Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- t -
- tel2wfs
: dist_cfg_t
- telfocusint
: sim_t
- telfocusreal
: sim_t
- telws
: sim_t
- telws_rand
: sim_t
- test
: dbg_cfg_t
- thetax
: dir_t
, evl_cfg_t
, fit_cfg_t
, fit_t
, ncpa_cfg_t
, wfs_cfg_t
, wfsr_cfg_t
- thetay
: dir_t
, evl_cfg_t
, fit_cfg_t
, fit_t
, ncpa_cfg_t
, wfs_cfg_t
, wfsr_cfg_t
- tikcr
: fit_cfg_t
, lsr_cfg_t
, tomo_cfg_t
- tk_0
: sim_t
- tk_cache
: sim_t
- tk_eval
: sim_t
- tk_recon
: sim_t
- tk_wfs
: sim_t
- tomo
: cn2est_cfg_t
, dbg_cfg_t
, evl_cfg_t
, gpu_cfg_t
, load_cfg_t
, parms_t
- tomo_hxw
: dbg_cfg_t
- tomo_maxit
: dbg_cfg_t
- tomo_update
: sim_t
- trs
: powfs_cfg_t
- tsurf
: ncpa_cfg_t
, sim_t
- TT
: recon_t
: recon_t
- ttfr
: llt_cfg_t
- ttmreal
: sim_t
- ttpsd
: llt_cfg_t
- ttr
: ncpa_cfg_t
- ttrat
: llt_cfg_t
- twfs_radonly
: recon_cfg_t
- twfs_rmax
: recon_cfg_t
- twfs_rmin
: recon_cfg_t
- twfsflag
: dbg_cfg_t
- twfsrmax
: dbg_cfg_t
- txdeg
: rmap_t
- tydeg
: rmap_t
- type
: argopt_t
, powfs_cfg_t