Multithreaded Adaptive Optics Simulator
#A testing setup for the Gemini South MCAO system GeMS
include = mcao_lgs.conf
aper.fnamp =
aper.d = [7.9 1.024] #entrance pupil is 7.9m, mirror is 8.1m
include = "dm_triple.conf"
dm.dx = [-16 -16 -8] = [0 4500 9000]
include = evl_x.conf
powfs.pixtheta = [1.0 0.5 0.5]
powfs.pixpsa = [2 2 2]
powfs.radpix = [0 0 0]
powfs.rne = [6 1 1]
powfs.nwvl = [1 1 1]
powfs.wvl = [0.589e-6 0.5e-6 0.5e-6]#NGS is 0.5 to 0.85 micron.
powfs.wvlwts = [1 1 1]
powfs.siglev = [381 0 0] #125 PDE/cm2/sec
powfs.nearecon = [20 20 20] #mas
powfs.mtchcr = [0 0 0]
powfs0_llt.d = 0.4
powfs0_llt.widthp = 0.3/0.4
save.setup = 0
atm.size = [32 32]
#powfs.phystep=[-1 -1]
powfs.nwfs=[5 1 3]
wfs.thetax=[0 30 30 -30 -30 20 15 -30 15]
wfs.thetay=[0 30 -30 30 -30 0 26 0 -26]