#File llt_CL.conf for center launch
#Use llt_SL.conf for side launch
#Usage: powfs.fnllt=[llt_CL.conf,,]
#Specifying laser launch telescope and sodium layer parameters.
#Notice that when the options are overriden elsewhere, the key must be specified with powfs0_llt.key=value like
llt.d=0.4 #laser launch telescope diameter in meter.
llt.widthp=0.6 #Gaussian beam width as a fraction of LLT (both as diameter or radius).
llt.ttrat=5.155#ratio of LLT uplink jitter to downlink jitter = D_M1/D_M2/2. #5.155 is the value for TMT.
llt.fcfsm=0; #corner frequency of a common path pointing mirror in LLT. 0: disabled
llt.ttpsd="" #PSD of uplink beam jitter
llt.fnamp="" #Pupil amplitude map. Overrides widthp
llt.fnsurf="" #Pupil surface error of each LLT. cell array of 2-d map_t arrays or prescription to generate screens (see genscreen_str).
llt.focus=0 #RMS focus error in nm within LLT clear aperture. This is NOT laser amplitude weighted.
llt.ttfr=0 #Remove piston/tip/tilt and focus (if =2) from ncpa (fnsurf)
llt.ox=[0] #LLT x coordinate. single number or match # of wfs belongs to this powfs.
llt.oy=[0] #LLT y coordinate.
llt.misreg=[0 0]#misregistration during ray tracing (for testing purpose)
llt.fnrange="" #additional change of sodium height for LGS. in meter.
#matrix of size nsim*1 or nsim*nLGS.
llt.fnprof="NapMean.bin" #sodium profile to build LGS elongation ETF. can
#contain 2 or more columns. The first column is the
#altitude, the second and the rest columns are the
#strength of sodium layer that sum to the scaling
#factor of signal level, normally 1.
llt.fnprep= #empty: use llt.fnprof. sodium profile for i0 for preparation.
llt.colprep= 0 #which column of the profiles to use in matched filter.
llt.colsim = 0 #which column of the profiles to start to use in simulation.
llt.coldtrat=0 #every coldsimtrat to increment to next column during
#simulation and update etf. 0 means not updating.
llt.dhs=10000 #Total depth of sodium layer to divide into sublayers
llt.nhs=1 #Number of sublayer to simulate for LGS
llt.na_smooth = 1 #1: resampling the sodium profile by binning before computing ETF.
llt.na_interp = 1 #1: interpolate sodium profile (old way). 0: direct sum (slow for high resolution profiles, but accurate)
llt.na_thres = 100 #altitude error threshold to move trombone, in unit of meter.
llt.na_fit_maxit=0 #Number of iterations for sodium profile fitting. 0: auto (1 for CMF WFS, 3 for tCOG WFS).
llt.na_fit_svdthres=1e-3 #threshold for SVD inverse in sodium profile fitting.
llt.na_fit_dh=500 #sampling in height in sodium profile fitting