Multithreaded Adaptive Optics Simulator
Compile the Code



  • Posix compatible platform: Linux, macOS, or WSL for windows. BSDs may work but are not actively verified.
  • C11 compliant compiler (GCC, clang, or icx).
  • System utils: make, cmake, tar, bzip2, wget or curl
  • If compile from git repo, autotools (autoconf, automake, libtool) are needed.
  • FFTW version 3. Will download from MAOS site if not available in the system.
  • Optimized blas and lapack. Blas and lapack can usually be installed through the linux distribution official repository. Will download from MAOS site if not available in the system. use –enable-mkl to force using Inte MKL.
  • Cholmod. For sparse matrix cholesky factorization. Will download from MAOS site if not available in the system.
  • (Optional) CUDA. For GPU acceleration.
  • (Optional) GTK+. For drawdaemon and monitor.
  • (Optional) libwebsockets. For web based job monitoring. It requires cmake to compile. Will download from MAOS site if not available in the system.
  • (Optional) CMocka. For unit testing.
  • (Optional) Doxygen. For generating documentation (this website)

In linux, use the native package manager (apt for Debian/Ubuntu, rpm for Fedora/Centos/RHEL and derivatives) to install.

In macOS, it is convenient to use homebrew ( to install.

Download the code

We recommend using different folders to 1) store the source code, 2) compile the code (different directory can be used for different compiling options), and 3) run simulations.

Option 1 (preferred)

The preferred method is to use the always up-to-data Git version:

cd ~/work/programming
git clone maos
cd maos
export src_dir=$(pwd)

Option 2 (snapshot)

Download the tag version that is not formally released:

cd ~/work/programming
curl -L -o maos.tar.gz
tar xvf maos.tar.gz
cd maos-2.8
export src_dir=$(pwd)

Option 3 (released)

There are released version that comes with configure. Use this if the utilities mentioned above are not available. In this case, do not try to update the file which will trigger regeneration of configure and require these utilities.

cd ~/work/programming
curl -L
cd maos_2.8.0
export src_dir=$(pwd)

Option 4 (binary)

Instead of compiling the code, there are also pre-compiled binaries that can be downloaded. This option works the best when there is no desire to modify the code.

cd ~/work/maos
#choose one below:
#curl -L #for linux
#curl -L #for macos
#curl -L #for macos apple silicon
tar xvf maos_*.bz2

Compile the Code

Next we create another folder, where we are going to compile the code. example:

cd ~/work/maos
mkdir optim && cd optim
make -j4 #this will compile using 4 threads.

You can replace optim with any directory name of your choice. The compiled executable is maos in the sub-folder bin of the compiling folder. You do not have to do make install to run the simulations, but if not, then you need to add optim/bin to your executable path (e.g. update your .bash_profile or .zshenv file $PATH variable).

Compiler options (Optional)

The default compiler for the system is used with optimization flags. There are a few optional switches or additional components that can be enabled when calling configure.

To use a different compiler or enable debugging:

$src_dir/configure CC=icc #ICC compiler
$src_dir/configure CC=clang #clang compiler. Also used for compiling cuda code if cuda is detected.
$src_dir/configure CC=gcc4.5 #use gcc4.5
$src_dir/configure --enable-debug #enable debugging (debug is not enabled by default)
$src_dir/configure --disable-openmp #Use pthreads instead of openmp (openmp is the default)
$src_dir/configure --disable-double #Use single precision (double is the default)
$src_dir/configure --disable-scheduler #disable the built-in scheduler (for CPU cluster with job management)

GPU acceleration (Optional)

To enable GPU computing, first install nvidia graphics driver and cuda software development toolkit (SDK), and then issue the following command to ensure graphics configuration is correct: nvidia-smi. You should see all your nvidia gpus are listed. When clang is used as the C compiler, it will be used instead of nvcc to compute the cuda code.

The configure can automatically detect cuda if nvcc is in the path, or if cuda is installed in /usr/local/cuda. For other locations, you need to pass the cuda directory to configure:

$src_dir/configure --with-cuda=$cuda_dir

When GPU compute is compiled in maos and Nvidia GPUs are available, maos will make use of all suitable GPUs to run simulation. If that is not desirable, the GPU compute can be disabled at run time by passing -g-1 to maos. Different set of GPU can also be selected by passing one or multiple -gi or -Gn:

maos -g-1 #disable GPU compute
maos -g0 -g2 #Only use gpu 0 and 2
maos -G2 #Automatically choose 2 gpus.

Matlab Mex Routines (Optional)

To compile mex routines for matlab, pass the matlab directory to configure if it is not in $PATH:

$src_dir/configure --with-matlab=$matlab_dir

The compiled mex routines are in mex folder in the compilation directory.

  • The read() and write() are for handling .bin and .fits files.
  • The aolib() exports many useful routines for use in matlab. Run aolib() to see the list of available functions.
  • The maos() can be used to run maos within matlab. Run maos() to see instructions.

Installing GTK+ in MAC OS and Compile Monitor, Drawdaemon (Optional)

For macOS, it is the simplest to install gtk and gtk-mac-integration (only for gtk+-3) using homebrew (or macport). For manual install, follow the instructions on page to install gtk+ for osx and configure the envirionmental parameters. Make sure pkg-config is in the PATH. Version 2, 3, and 4 are supported. Highest version is chosen unless explicitly disabled (see below).

Now rerun, configure and make. Monitor and drawdaemon should appear in bin folder now. To select gtk version when multiple ones are available:

$src_dir/configure --disable-gtk-3 #disable gtk-3
$src_dir/configure --disable-gtk-4 #disable gtk-4

Graphical User Interface

When GTK+ libraries are found in the system, additional executables will be compiled, drawdaemon, drawres, drawbin and monitor in the bin folder.

  • The plotting utility drawdaemon is launched automatically when plotting commands are issued in simulation (maos plot.all=1) or in post processing with drawres or drawbin
  • The monitoring utility monitor can be used to monitor jobs in this and linked machines.
  • The drawres can be used to automatically plot the results folder.
  • The drawbin can be used to automatically plot the OPDs or maps.


In order to use monitor to monitor jobs in different machines, follow these steps:

Create a folder .aos in your home folder, create two files in there. Put these files in all the machines you want to monitor.

  • ~/.aos/hosts Each line contains a machine's hostname you want to monitor. It also supports the full format prettyname=full_hostname:port
  • ~/.aos/port contains the port you want the scheduler to bind to so that the monitor can connect to it. Any non-privileged port numbers are fine (like 10000). Different users should have different port number. The port has to be the same on all the machines unless explicitly specified in hosts. If not set, the number will be automatically computed based on username. Make sure the firewall allows them.
  • After modifying the two files above, the scheduler should be killed and restarted (by simply running maos once.)
  • Please be aware that no authentication is performed. The user should make sure such ports are protected.
  • When libwebsockets is enabled, there is also a browser based interface. The address is printed in the beginning of maos log message.


Once the monitor is running, it will display running jobs on each connected host. Right click on a running job and select Plot selected jobs will launch drawdaemon and start plotting the telemetry data in realtime. This works for local and remote host. Multiple drawdaemon windows can be started for the same or different jobs.

An alternative way to launch drawdaemon is to include plot.setup=1 or plot.all=1 in maos command line.

Remote plotting: when a job is running remotely or in a headless machine, and drawres, drawbin, or maos plotting is issued, the monitor can open a drawdaemon in the local computer and plot remotely.

Plotting results

drawres result_folder can be used to plot the results. Wildcards are supported to match many folders. It will launch drawdaemon using an active monitor in a remote machine if the current shell does not have DISPLAY set. This can be used to view results remotely.

Python Scripts

MAOS comes with a few useful python routines location in scripts/ folder:

  • contains readbin that can read bin or fits files.
  • contains a few useful routines for data processing.
  • contains routines to draw opd defined on coordinate loc. Use draw(loc, opd) or draw(map) where map is a 2d array.
  • contains routines maos_res to read and process MAOS results. It also imports and
  • contains routines that wraps MAOS library routines via and ctypes. It contains read and write that can also read and write bin and fits files.
  • generates Similarly generates MATLAB mex routines.
  • maos_client provides an interface to a running maos session. See next subsection.

For to work, an environment variable MAOS_AOLIB need to set to the path of

Interface to MAOS

It is possible to retrieve or override MAOS internal data when it is running. See the following steps:

First, set up shell environment so that the can find it.

  • export MAOS_AOLIB=\path\to\bin\

Then open ipython (or python) and run the following

  • import maos_client # import the module
  • maos_client.connect(host,port) # the host and port is the same as used by monitor
  • maos_client.get_list() # get list of available variables
  • maos_client.get_var(name) # get variable with the name
  • maos_client.get_all() # get all variables
  • maos_client.pause(0) # unpause maos
  • maos_client.pause(1) # pause or step maos.