Multithreaded Adaptive Optics Simulator
Simulation Results


MAOS provides a few convenient routines to quickly process the simulation results and obtain time averaged wavefront error.


Use the following (see

res,fds=maos_res(dir[,seeds] [,iframe] [,iframe2]) #gather field averaged WFE. [] indicate optional
res,fds=maos_res(dir*) #gather field averaged WFE from multiple folders recursively
res,fds=maos_res_each(dir*) #gather results for each field


Use the following:

res=maos_res(dir[,seeds] [,range]) %gather field averaged WFE. [] indicate optional
res,fds=maos_reseach(dir[, seeds] [,range]) #gather results for each field

Plotting Results

The wavefront error time history can be processed using the built in tool drawres and plotted using the Gtk based drawdaemon.

drawres folder1 folder2 ...

If the specified folder contains subfolders with results, they will be plotted together. When using on a text terminal with DISPLAY not set, if there is monitor running in a connected computer, it will launch drawdaemon.

Reading Results

MAOS generates output in binary format .bin files (which maybe gzipped) as described below. PSFs are written into .fits files with extensions.

.bin file format

The data are saved to the .bin files in a simple modular way. For a simple matrix (like double matrix or cell matrix), we first write a magic number (4 byte unsigned int) representing the data type, and then x and y dimension (two 8 byte unsigned int), and finally the data itself (if it is cell, recursively write the data contained in the cell with the same method).

Each block of data may optionally be proceeded with a metadata header that describes the data, for example, the sampling of a loc_t grid. The surf OPD contains header information about the sampling, origin and height of the OPD array.

We use .bin format instead of .fits because it can be conveniently memory mapped for best efficiency in reading or saving.

For implementation details, please refer to Bin file format.


There are two MATLAB mex routines read and write that can read and write .bin or .fits files in MATLAB. The source of these mex routines are located in source sub-folder mex. If mex is found in the system, this mex routines will be compiled automatically in the mex subfolder of the compiling folder. If it doesn't get compiled, please goto the mex subfolder in the source folder and type ./ to compile them. Copy write.mexa64 and read.mexa64 into a folder that is in your matlab path, such as $HOME/matlab. The usage in MATLAB is as follows:

cle=read('Res_1'); #will try .bin or .fits
cle=read('Res_1.bin'); #only use .bin
write(cle,'Res_1'); will write the data to \c Res_1.bin
write(cle,'Res_1.bin'); will write the data to \c Res_1.bin without compression.

If there is any problem in compiling read.c and write.c, there are also two matlab scripts in the scripts folder, readbin.m and writebin.m, that have most of functionality of read.c, write.c albeit a bit slower and cannot handle compressed files conveniently.


There is in scripts folder for reading .bin or .fits files in python. Alternatively, it is also possible to call C routines in python, including readbin and writebin as read and write. To do so, first set an environment variable MAOS_AOLIB poing to the file in the .bin folder in the compiling directory. Then import scripts/ to your python.


There are two idl scripts in the sub-folder script. They are for reading .bin files, and for writing .bin files.


Certain results (e.g., PSF) are saved in .fits format. Any standard fits reader (e.g., fv, ds9) should be able to read them. There is also an executable bin2fits that can convert .bin to .fits files.

Result Files

There will be several files created during simulation in the result folder and subfolder extra (those results are not saved when save.extra=0). The number after underscore _ is the seed. For example, with seed 1 the following files are produced. Read in these files using provided mex function read in MATLAB. Notice that the suffix .bin or .fits has been omitted. You do not need to add the suffix when use read.

Wavefront error

  • Res_1: A binary file containing a cell array that include the main results.
    • Use res=read('Res_1');
    • res[0] contains the open loop wavefront variance (WFV in units of \(m^2\)) in row vectors. When sim.rmax=1, the rows are

      • Piston removed WFV
      • WFV in tip/tilt modes
      • Piston/tip/tilt removed WFV

      When sim.rmax>1, the rows are

      • Piston removed WFV
      • Piston/Tip removed WFE
      • Piston/Tip/Tilt removed WFE
      • ...
    • res[1] no longer used.
    • res[2] contains the closed loop wavefront variance in row vectors. The format is the same as res[0]
    • res[3] (Only in split tomography) contains the closed loop wavefront variance. The rows are (not depend on sim.rmax)
      • WFV in LGS contains modes
      • WFV in NGS Tip/Tilt modes
      • WFV in NGS modes (including Tip/Tilt and additional modes controlled by NGS (On-Instrument WFS))
  • Resp_1: resp: Results for each direction. Combines the following four files previous saved individually: Resolmp_1, Resclmp_1, Resolep_1, Resclep_1.
    • Use resp=read('Resp_1)
    • resp[0,idir]: Open loop wavefront Zernike modes, for evaluation direction idir, defined on un-normalized coordinate on the aperture, in the Noll's Zernike order of piston/tip/tilt ...
    • resp[1,idir]: Close loop wavefront Zernike modes, in the same format as resp[0,idir].
    • resp[2,idir]: Open loop wavefront variance for each science field point in the same format as res[0].
    • resp[3,idir]: Closed loop wavefront variance for each science field point in the same format as res[0].

Split tomography

  • Resclemp_1: LGS/TT/NGS mode wavefront error for each direction.
  • RescleNGSm_1: contains a row vector array of either the residual NGS modes (in radian like unit) or the applied NGS mode correction if ideal NGS mode correction is made. Mainly used to save the ideal NGS modes applied in skycoverage pre-simulation.
  • RescleNGSmp_1: This is NGS mode before averaging over directions.
  • ResoleNGSm_1 and ResoleNGSmp_1: Like above, but for open loop.

Log files

  • maos_[HOST]_[PID].conf: The final effective configuration for MAOS run with pid PID. Can be used to reproduce the simulation or check the configurations. Lines begin with # are defaults configurations while the rest have been overridden. File for most recent run is linked to maos_recent.conf
  • run_[HOST]_[PID].log: Log file. File for most recent run is linked to run_recent.log
  • sanea_sim_1: When wavefront sensors are running in physical optics mode, the average gradient measurement error for that wavefront sensor is saved (in order) in a cell in this file. Each cell is a column vector with elements twice the number of subaperture. The first half is for \(x\) (or radial) gradient, and the second half is for \(y\) (or azimuthal) gradient. They are in units of \(rad^2\).


The PSF total FOV is evl.wvl/evl.dx but may be trimmed by setting evl.psfsize to a smaller number (of pixels). The PSF sampling is usually evl.wvl/(2*aper.d) but may be evl.wvl/(evl.psfgridsize*evl.dx) if evl.psfgridsize is set. The exact number of those can be checked in the fits header.

  • evlpsfcl_1: When evl.psfmean is 1, contains the time averaged science closed loop psf. if is a cell array of \(n_{wvl}\times n_{evl}\). Each cell contains a center cut of the science PSF.
  • evlpsfdl_1: diffraction limited, PSF.
  • evlpsfol_1: frame and field averaged open loop science PSF.
  • evlpsfhist_1_ievlx: When evl.psfhist is 1, each of these files contains the time history of the complex PSF of evaluation direction \(x\).


  • Resfsmcmd_1: Each cell contains the FSM tip/tilt command (only none empty for LGS WFS) history in unit of radian.
  • Resfsmerr_1: Each cell contains the FSM tip/tilt error history in unit of radian.
  • psdcl_1 and psdol_1: Closed loop and pseudo open loop PSD for high order control obtained from telemetry.
  • ResCG_1: Tomography and DM Fitting conjugate gradient residual time history.
  • Reszoompos_1: For LGS only, the trombine position. One cell per WFS.

Geometry Data

When save.setup=1, MAOS will save the geometry data created before entering simulation to files in folder setup. When save.recon=1, the tomography and DM fitting matrices are also saved, which takes space and are not enabled by save.setup=1.

The following explains each file. Not all of them may exist, depending on set of options. The suffix of the file names are removed.

File name Description
actslave The slaving operator
ahst_GM ad hoc split tomography, model to gradient operator
ahst_MCC ahst, model cross coupling matrix.
ahst_Mdm ahst, the NGS mode defined on DM grid
ahst_Pngs ahst, ngs mode removal operator from DM commands
ahst_Ptt ahst, tip/tilt removal operator from DM commands
ahst_Rngs ahst, ngs mode reconstructor
ahst_Wa ahst, the weighting using science field.
aloc DM actuator grid.
ploc The coarse sampled grid on aperture for reconstruction
xloc The tomography grid.
TT The global tip/tilt modes for wfs
PTT The global tip/tilt removal operator for wfs
saneai The inverse of nea^2 used in tomography (rad^2)
W0 The W0 weighting defined on ploc.
W1 The W1 weighting defined on ploc.
aper_locs The fine sampled grid on telescope aperture.
aper_amp Telescope aperture amplitude defined on aper_locs
aper_mcc modal cross-coupling matrix for modes defined on aper_locs
FLM Fit left hand side operator, sparse matrix
FLU Fit left hand side operator, Low rank U matrix
FLV Fit left hand side operator, Low rank V matrix
FRM Fit right hand side operator, sparse matrix
FRU Fit right hand side operator, Low rank U matrix
FRV Fit right hand side operator, Low rank V matrix
GA Gradient operator from aloc.
GP Gradient operator from ploc.
GX Gradient operator from xloc.
HA Ray tracing from aloc to ploc along fit directions
HXF Ray tracing from xloc to ploc along fit directions
HXW Ray tracing from xloc to ploc along wfs directions
L2 Laplacian regularization on xloc
NW Low rank terms in fitting
NW2 Adjusted low rank terms by slaving.
powfs0_area The subaperture area
powfs0_dtf0_nominal The nominal of DTF
powfs0_dtf0_si The si of DTF
powfs0_etfprep0_2d The elongation transfer function
powfs0_GP The gradient operator from ploc.
powfs0_GS0 The gradient operator from aper_locs.
powfs0_i0 The subaperture time averaged image for matched filter
powfs0_gx The pixel by pixel x gradient of i0
powfs0_gy The pixel by pixel y gradient of i0
powfs0_imcc The inverse of model cross-coupling matrix of piston/tip/tilt modes
powfs0_loc The grid for all subapertures (grouped by subapertures)
powfs0_amp The amplitude defined on powfs0_loc
powfs0_llt_loc The aperture grid of the uplink laser launch telescope (LLT)
powfs0_llt_amp The aperture amplitude of LLT defined on powfs0_llt_loc
powfs0_llt_imcc The inverse of model cross-coupling matrix of p/t/t modes for LLT
powfs0_srot The orientation of each subaperture wrt LLT
powfs0_srsa The distance of each subaperture from the LLT
powfs0_mtche The matched filter gradient estimator
powfs0_pts The lower left grid point of each subaperture.
powfs0_saloc The lower left corner of each subaperture
powfs0_sanea The subaperture noise equivalent angle(nea) in rad^2
powfs0_saneaxy The nea along x/y directions in rad^2
powfs0_saneaixy The inverse of nea along x/y directions in rad^-2
powfs0_saneara The subaperture nea along r/a directions in rad^-2
powfs0_sepsf The subaperture short exposure psf (tip/tilt removed)
powfs0_sodium The sodium layer profile
powfs0_sprint which subapertures to print
powfs0_GS0 The averaging gradient operator from pts.
powfs1_ZS0 The ztilt best fit gradient operator from pts.

Telemetry Data

Depending on parameters enabled, the simulation telemetry data will be saved to files in the simulation folder. The following describes them in detail. Notice that save.grad, save.gradgeom, save.ints and save.wfsopd takes values of 1, 2 or 3, where 1 means saving for all wfs, 2 means saving for only high order wfs and 3 means saving for lower order wfs.

Name convention: the last number after underscore is the seed. The following shows results for seed1. When there are multiple wfs or science fields, we only show the results for the first.

Many of the results contains a cell array of length nsim (number of simulation steps), whenever that makes sense.

The data regarding the DM commands are all defined on the actuator grid aloc.

The second column of the tables shows which option in dbg.conf enables the save of this data.

The suffix of the file names are removed.

File name Option to enable Description
atm_1 save.atm The atmosphere
dmerr_hi_1 The DM error signal for high order wfs
dmfit_hi_1 The DM fit result for high order wfs
Merr_lo_1 The low order mode error signal (split tomography)
Mint_lo_1 The low order mode integrator output (split tomography)
dmint_hi_1 The DM integrator output of high order wfs output (split integrator only)
dmint_1 The DM integrator output (command integrator for both high/low wfs)
dmreal_1 The real, effective DM commands applied
dmpttr_1 save.dmpttr The piston/tip/tilt removed, effective, DM commands.
evl0_opdcl_1 save.evlopd The closed loop opd for science fields
evl0_opdol_1 save.evlopd The open loop opd for science fields
gcov_wfs0_5_10_1 save.gcov The covariance between gradients of wfs 0 and 5 saved at time step 10
opdr_1 save.opdr The tomography output, defined on xloc
opdx_1 save.opdx The atmosphere projected onto xloc (direct fitting)
wfs0_gradcl_1 save.grad The wfs gradient measurement.
wfs0_gradnf_1 save.grad The wfs noise free gradient.
wfs0_gradol_1 save.grad The wfs pseudo open loop gradient
wfs0_gradgeom_1 save.gradgeom The wfs geometric gradient (in physical optics wfs simulations)
wfs0_intsnf_1 save.ints The wfs subaperture images (noise free)
wfs0_intsny_1 save.ints The wfs subaperture images (noisy)
wfs0_lltopd_1 save.wfsopd The wfs laser launch telescope OPD.
wfs0_opd_1 save.wfsopd The wfs OPD.