Multithreaded Adaptive Optics Simulator
#File powfs_shtt.conf
#Use NGS definition and replace values
powfs.step -= [0] #time step to start using WFS
powfs.step += [2] #time step to start using WFS
powfs.dsa -= [0]
powfs.dsa += [-1]
powfs.dx -= [1/32]
powfs.dx += [1/16] #sampling of opd in each subaperture.
powfs.lo -= [0]
powfs.lo += [1] #low order. 1 for T/T or T/T/F WFS. 0 for LGS and high order NGS
powfs.nearecon -= [20]
powfs.nearecon += [0.05] # nea in mas for reconstruction
#Geometric optics SHWFS options
powfs.gtype_sim -= [0] #0: averaging gradient, 1: zernike tilt for simulation.
powfs.gtype_sim += [1] #0: averaging gradient, 1: zernike tilt for simulation.
powfs.gtype_recon -= [0] #0: averaging gradient, 1: zernike tilt for reconstruction.
powfs.gtype_recon += [1] #0: averaging gradient, 1: zernike tilt for reconstruction.
#Physical optics options.
powfs.phytype_recon -=[1]#1: matched filter. 2:cog
powfs.phytype_recon +=[2]#1: matched filter. 2:cog
powfs.pixtheta -= [1] #CCD Pixel size in arcsec. if negative -alpha, the size is alpha*max(wvl)/dsa
powfs.pixtheta += [-0.5] #CCD Pixel size in arcsec. if negative -alpha, the size is alpha*max(wvl)/dsa
powfs.pixpsa -= [4] #number of pixels per subaperture
powfs.pixpsa += [16] #number of pixels per subaperture
powfs.phystep -= [0] #-1 to disable physical optics.
powfs.phystep += [-1] #-1 to disable physical optics.
#Detector Options
powfs.nwvl -= [1]
powfs.nwvl += [3] #number of bands for each powfs.
powfs.wvl -= [0.7e-6]#concatenated list of bands
powfs.wvl += [1.25e-6 1.65e-6 2.15e-6]#concatenated list of bands
powfs.wvlwts -= [1]
powfs.wvlwts += [0.4 0.3 0.3]
wfs.thetax-=[0] #x coordinate in arcsecond unit.
wfs.thetax+=[-20 -20] #x coordinate in arcsecond unit.
wfs.thetay-=[0] #y coordinate in arcsecond unit.
wfs.thetay+=[20 -20] #y coordinate in arcsecond unit.