aper.d = [8 1.4]
aper.fnamp = ""
evl.thetax = [0,-30,10]
evl.thetay = [0,0,0]
evl.wt = [1,0.5,0.5]
evl.psfmean = 0
evl.moao = 0
evl.wvl = [1.65e-6]
moao.dx = [-16]
moao.iac = [0.3]
moao.stroke = [inf]
moao.lrt_ptt= [0]
powfs.dsa =[-16 -16]
powfs.phystep = [0 0] #-1 to disable physical optics.
powfs.dx = [1/64 1/64] #sampling of opd in each subaperture. #NGS performs pretty good with 1/16 sampling.
powfs.lo = [0 0]
#powfs.gtype_sim = [0 0]
#powfs.gtype_recon = [0 0]
powfs.pixtheta = [1 1] #CCD Pixel size.
powfs.wvl = [0.589e-6 0.75e-6]#concatenated list of bands
powfs.saat = [0.6 0.6] #threshold of relative area to turn off subaperture.
powfs.nwfs = [1 3]
powfs.step = [0 0]
wfs.thetax = [0 45 -22.5 -22.5] #x coordinate in arcsecond unit.
wfs.thetay = [0 0 39 -39] #y coordinate in arcsecond unit.
powfs.siglev = [900 900] #Always specified at 800 Hz per sub-aperture
powfs.wvlwts = [1 1]
powfs.nwvl = [1 1]#number of bands for each powfs.
sim.end = 200
tomo.alg = 1
tomo.precond= 0