Multithreaded Adaptive Optics Simulator
#File sim.conf
#Contains common parameters to all setups.
#SI units are used unless otherwise noted.
#Entries marked as (engineering) are not used for normal simulations
#path=dir #add dir to path. Relative to the directory of enclosing conf file unless absolute path is used.
#Telescope Aperture Configuration.
aper.d = [30 3.6] #outer (d) and inner diameter (din) in meter. may contain one number for [d] or two numbers for [d din]. din=0 when omitted.
aper.fnamp = "TMT_23cm6.bin" #The telescope aperture amplitude map file. It contains a nx*ny 2d array of values between 0 and 1 with the following keywords:
# dx, dy: grid spacing in m.
# ox oy: grid origin in m. FFT style origin (-nx/2*dx) is used if omitted.
# ht. height in m. always at 0.
aper.rotdeg = 0 #Telescope pupil rotation CCW in degrees.
aper.pupmask = "" #Instrument pupil Lyot mask file.
aper.misreg = [0,0] #Telescope pupil misregistration along x and y in meter.
#Simulation parameters.
sim.seeds = [1] #random seeds. a list. 0 means random seed
sim.start = 0 #first time step. usually 0.
sim.end = 500 #last time step (exclusive)
sim.closeloop = 1 #1: closed loop (CL) simulation. 0: open loop correction without feedback control.
sim.dt = 1/600 #Main loop sampling time in seconds.
sim.dtref = 1/600 #The integration time in seconds for which the powfs.siglev is computed. Do not change this value. The actual integration time is governed by sim.dt and powfs.dtrat.
sim.zadeg = 0 #zenith angle in degrees.
sim.htel = 4000 #height of telescope in meters from mean sea level. It is used to adjust powfs.hs for LGS.
sim.cachedm = 4 #Caching DM commands to fine sampled grids to speed up ray tracing. #=1: sampling is dm.dx/4. >3: sampling is dm.dx/sim.cachedm. 0 to disable.
sim.fov = 0 #The entire FoV diameter in arcsec. Only used for plotting.
#RTC servo coefficients. The total (high order) loop latency is sim.dt*(powfs.dtrat+1+sim.alhi).
#A is command. e is error signal. at time step n, the command is updated by
sim.aphi = 1 #high order loop integrator leakage parameter ap.
sim.ephi = 0.5 #high order loop error gain ep. <=0: auto compute.
sim.alhi = 0 #Additional latency (in sim.dt) of the high order loop. Can be fractional but must be >=0.
sim.f0dm = 0 #Natural frequency of the DMs in Hz. 0 is for spontaneous response.
sim.zetadm = 1 #Damping of the DMs.
sim.aplo = ref:sim.aphi #ap for low order control. See sim.aphi
sim.eplo = ref:sim.ephi #error gain of low order modes. See sim.ephi
sim.allo = ref:sim.alhi #Additional latency (sim.dt) of the lo order loop. See sim.alhi.
sim.fcttm = 20 #Cross over frequency in Hz of T/T split between DM and TTM (20Hz)*/
#Focus tracking gains.
sim.fcfocus = inf #cross-over frequency in Hz of the focus LPF of the NGS focus and HPF of LGS focus. LPF gain is lpfocus=2*pi*fc/fs where fs is sampling frequency.
#-1 means 1/10 of NGS frame rate. inf means remove LGS focus completely.
sim.mffocus = -1 #method for focus tracking.
#0: disable focus update.
#1: Focus tracking using closed loop gradients, for each LGS independently. (preferred)
#2: Focus tracking using closed loop gradients, for common LGS focus only.
#-1: auto. 1 for LGS, 0 for NGS.
#Focus offloading to telescope
sim.focus2tel = 0 #Offload focus to telescope. (engineering)
sim.epfocus2tel=0.01 #Integrator gain for telescope focus control
#Truth WFS reference vector update parameters
sim.aptwfs = 1 #Truth WFS reference vector update leakage ap.
sim.eptwfs = 0.05 #Truth WFS reference vector update integrator gain.
sim.eptsph = 0.5 #Truth WFS reference vector update integrator gain for spherical mode.
sim.skysim = 0 #enable pre-simulation for sky coverage (applies ideal correction for NGS WFS controlled modes and saves NGS WFS complex PSFs).
sim.wspsd = #Telescope wind shake PSD input. Nx2. First column is frequency in Hz, Second column is PSD in rad^2/Hz.
sim.wsseq = 1 #Wind-shake sequence random number generator seed. different wsseq gives different realization.
sim.dmadd = "" #file containing dm vector to simulate turbulence (added to integrator output).
#Contains ndm cells. In each cell, one column is for each time step. Wraps over in the end. Can be empty.
#if mvmport is nonzero connect to the mvm server at mvmhost:mvmport.
sim.mvmhost = "localhost" #Where does the MVM server run (engineering)
sim.mvmport = 0 #which port does the MVM server run. 0: disable mvm server/client (engineering)
sim.mvmsize = 0 #number of gradients to send each time. 0 is all. (engineering)
sim.mvmngpu = 0 #>0: limit maximum number of gpus to use. (engineering)
#For special purpose
sim.noatm = 0 #Disable atmosphere generation (e.g., to evaluate telescope errors).
sim.evlol = 0 #evaluate open loop performance only. Skip wfs/tomography/reconstruction.
sim.psfr = 0 #Save PSF reconstruction telemetry.
sim.ecnn = 0 #Estimate WF covariance due to WFS noise cov Cnn.
sim.wfsalias = 0 #Study the wfs aliasing effect by project turbulence onto the orthogonal of the DM vector space.
sim.idealtomo = 0 #1: down-sampled turbulence is used as tomography output (Bypasses WFS and tomography). Was called sim.idealfit
sim.idealwfs = 0 #Implements ideal WFS by only using turbulence in DM correctable space. conflicts with sim.wfsalias
sim.idealevl = 0 #Evaluate the performance only in DM correctable space. Ignores DM fitting/projection error.
sim.dtrat_skip= 0 #drop frame every this many time steps (sim.dt). 0 no drop. This is to simulate RTC dropping frames. (engineering)
sim.fuseint = 1 #use fused integrator. for high and low order loop. Keep at 1. (engineering)
sim.pause = 0 #Pause after every step (engineering)
sim.bzero = [0.36 4.1e9; 0.44 1.43e10; 0.589 8.78e9; 0.64 1.07e10; 0.79 7.32e9; 1.25 3.22e9; 1.65 2.82e9; 2.2 1.51e9; ] #photons flux per second per m^2 for a zero magnitude star. pairs of wavelength in micron and flux. U-I are based on Bessel (1979)
#GPU enablement for various functions.
gpu.wfs = 1 #Use GPU for wavefront sensor modeling
gpu.evl = 1 #Use GPU for Performance evaluation
gpu.tomo = 1 #Use GPU for tomography = 1 #Use GPU for DM fitting
gpu.lsr = 1 #Use GPU for least square reconstruction
gpu.psf = 1 #Use GPU to accumulate PSF.
gpu.moao = 1 #Use GPU for MOAO
#Atmospheric turbulence common parameters (atm.r0z etc. are defined in atm_*.conf files)
atm.method = 0 #0: Von Karman (default). 1: Fractal method. 2: Biharmonics (psd is f^-4 power). (engineering)
atm.ninit = 17 #Initial size of the screen in fractal method. >=2 (engineering)
atm.size = [64 64] #size of atmosphere in meter. 0: automatic to cover the meta-pupil.
atm.dx = 1/64 #Sampling of the atmosphere in meter. Usually match evl.dx. Change powfs.dx to match if necessary.
atm.wddeg = [0] #Fixed wind direction (in degree) for all (1 number) or each (same length as turbulence layer. not used if atm.wdrand is set.
atm.wdrand = 1 #>0: as an additional seed to randomize wind direction (see sim.seeds)
atm.frozenflow= 1 #using frozen flow screen (when sim.closeloop=0. sim.closeloop=1 is always frozen-flow)
atm.share = 1 #1: share atmoshere between different maos runs with the same seed using mmap'ed file to save memory. (engineering)
atm.r0evolve = 0 #0: disable. 1: Scale turbulence screen spatially by r0logpsds, 2) Scale raytracing result using r0logpsdt, 3) both. Useful for long running simulations to vary r0.
atm.r0logpsdt = [-1.43 3.353e-4 0 0.3107] #[alpha beta fmin fmax]:temporal PSD of log(r0) /Hz: beta*f^alpha. Or a file of nx2
atm.r0logpsds = [-2.43 5.195e-5 0 1/30] #[alpha beta fmin fmax]:spatial PSD of log(r0) /Hz: beta*f^alpha. Or a file of nx2
atm.dtrat = 0 #Only used if atm are loaded with frames that need to playback in time.
atm.interp = 3 #Interpolation method when atm.dtrat>0. 0: stepwise (no interpolation), 1: linear, 2: sin^2, 3: p-chip.
#Tomography turbulence parameters
atmr.dx = 0 #Fundamental reconstruction grid sampling in meter. 0: matching the subaperture spacing of high order WFS.
atmr.os = [2] #Reconstruction screen oversampling over atmr.dx. 1 number per atmr layer (see or a single number for all layers.
atmr.r0z = ref:atm.r0z #atm r0 at zenith in meter. -1: matches atm.r0z
atmr.L0 = ref:atm.L0 #atm outer scale in meter. -1: matches atm.l0 = #reconstructed screen height in meter. Empty meaning follow (MCAO)
atmr.wt = ref:atm.wt #reconstructed screen weight. Empty meaning follow atm.wt (MCAO)
#CN2 Estimation using slodar.
cn2.pair = [] #pairs of wfs to estimate cn2. empty to disable cn2 estimation.
cn2.step = 100 #cn2 estimation output results every cn2.step time steps.
cn2.reset = 0 #reset the accumulated cn2 after every cn2.reset set of results.
cn2.hmax = 18000 #maximum layer height in meter to esimate at zenith.
cn2.saat = 0.95 #subaperture normalized area threashold to use in cn2 estimation.
cn2.keepht = 1 #1: Interpolate slodar results onto 2: do slodar directly on these layers. 1 works better.
cn2.tomo = 0 #1: update tomography parameters with slodar output.
cn2.verbose = 1 #1: output estimated r0, cn2 during simulation.
cn2.nhtomo = 6 #number of layers to feed into reconstructor. only effective if keepht==0
cn2.psol = 1 #1: use pseudo open loop gradients. 0: use residual turbulence. 1 works better.
cn2.moveht = 0 #move the ht used for reconstructor to near strongest layers. only effective if keepht=0.
#set MOAO DMs parameters. See dm.* for definition
moao.dx = [0.5] #spacing of actuator in meter. see dm.dx.
moao.iac = [0.223] #inter-actuator coupling. see dm.iac
moao.gdm = [0.5] #low pass filter gain on MOAO DM command.
moao.stroke = [inf] #actuator stroke
moao.actslave = [0] #inactive actuator slaving flag.
moao.lrt_ptt = [0] #low rank terms (piston/tip/tilt removal)
moao.guard = [1] #rings of guard actuators
moao.actstuck = [""] #list of stuck actuators. See dm.actstuck
moao.actfloat = [""] #list of floating actuators. see dm.actfloat = [1] #aspect ratio. see
#Science evaluation field parameters
evl.dx = ref:atm.dx #sampling of the aperture in meter in simulation. -1: follow atm.dx
evl.psfr = [1] #output psf reconstruction telemetry for this direction.
evl.hs = [inf] #the height of the science object. normally infinity.
evl.rmax = 1 #max radial order for zernke fitting in performance evaluation. 1: includes piston/tip/tilt. 2: p/t/t/focus/astigmatism
evl.tomo = 0 #Use tomography output directly as wavefront correction. (engineering)
evl.moao = -1 #index into MOAO config in recon.conf
evl.psfhist = 0 #output history of the complex psf (a lot of storage).
evl.psfmean = 0 #output time averaged psf after incrementally averaging this many time steps.
#1: only save in the end. n: save average every n steps (no reset after saving)
evl.psfol = 0 #compute open loop psf in additional to closed loop PSF.
#0: disable 1: on axis direction only, 2: all directions and average them.
evl.psf = [1] #Include this direction if psf is computed. 1 or nevl elements. 1: regular, 2: ngs mode removed in ahst. 3: both.
evl.pttr = [0] #remove p/t/t in wavefront OPD before computing PSF or covariance.
evl.cov = 0 #save covariance of opd for directions for steps like evl.psfmean (no reset after saving). For PSF reconstruction.
evl.opdmean = 0 #save science opd time average every this many time steps if >0.
evl.wvl = [1.25e-6 1.65e-6 2.2e-6] #wavelength to evaluat PSF or strehl
evl.psfisim = 20 #time step to start psfmean/psfhist
evl.psfgridsize=[]#1-d FFT grid size for psf computation for each wavelength. 0,1,or evl.nwvl number of elements.
#empty or 0:automatic.The computed PSF has sampling of evl.wvl/(evl.psfgridsize*evl.dx).
evl.psfsize = [] #Limit PSF side length in pixels for output. Larger PSF is truncated to this size.
#Set to 1 to compute strehl only. 1 or nwvl number of elements(for each wvl)
#some common DM parameters that are usually the same for each DM. Can take either 1 or ndm values.
dm.dx = [0.5] #spacing of DM actuators in meter at the primary mirror. preferred way to set system order as of 2014-04-03. Only way since 2016. = [1] #DM actuator spacing aspect ratio. dy/dx spacing
dm.guard = [1] #extra DM actuator rings in actuator grid. default: 1
dm.stroke = [inf] #surface stroke in micron. opd is [-stroke stroke]
dm.iastroke=[inf] #surface inter-actuator stroke in micron (or voltage if dm.strokescale is supplied)
dm.strokescale=[] #describes polynomials that convert opd to voltage (first cell), and voltage to opd
# (second cell). The two operations has to be strict inverse of each other
dm.iac = [0.223] #inter-actuator-coupling coefficient for cubic influence function. 0: disable. 4/29/2019: updated from 0.3.
dm.hist = [0] #output histogram of DM actuator commands.
dm.histbin= [1e-7] #The bin size in meters for DM histogram computation.
dm.histn = [201] #Total number of bins. odd number, centered around zero.
dm.vmisreg= [0] #DM vertical misregistration. not implemented yet.
dm.hyst = [0] #DM model hysteresis amount (ratio)
dm.hyst_alpha=[2] #The DM model hysteresis alpha parameter
dm.hyst_stroke=[10e-6] #The surface stroke that the hysteresis is measured at
dm.actfloat = [""] #file containing floating actuators. nx2 coordinate
dm.actstuck = [""] #file containing stuck actuators. nx2 coordinate. or nx3 with third column the stuck position (in opd).
dm.dratio = [1] #telescope diameter to DM diameter ratio (beam angle magnification factor). Used to scale DM OPD correction.
#Distortion parameters
#Use powfs.misregx/y instead for WFS misregistration (shift)
#Use aper.misreg instead for telescope pupil miregistration (shift)
distortion.tel2wfs=[] #From telescope pupil (atmosphere) to WFS. It handles SA thresholding correctly.
distortion.dm2wfs=[] #From DM to WFS. "0.5+x; 0.2+y" #for pure shift of 0.5, 0.2 along x and y.
distortion.dm2sci=[] #From DM to science.
#the can be used to provide both common and non-common path aberrations
ncpa.calib= 1 #calibrate NCPA. Only useful if surf is not empty. #0: no. 1: use all DMs. 2: use only ground dm
ncpa.ttr = 0 #Remove average t/t from NCPA for WFS. Equivalent as performing WFS registration alignment.
ncpa.thetax= [] #x coordinate for NCPA calibration direction (arcsec). empty means follow evl.thetax.
ncpa.thetay= [] #y coordinate for NCPA calibration direction(arcsec). empty means follow evl.thetay.
ncpa.wt = [] #Weight for each NCPA calibration direction. (see evl.wt)
ncpa.hs = [] #Height of star for each NCPA calibration direction. (see powfs.hs)
ncpa.preload=0 #1: preload integrator with DM sys flat, 0: add DM sys flat after the integrator. (engineering)
ncpa.rmsci=0 #1: do not include uncorrelatable error in science path. (engineering) = [] #Simulating surfaces like the telescope or NCPA. Can be a file or string array to generate on the fly.
#Each string array contains the following keys to generate screens
#for random screen: "r0=0.2;L0=30;slope=-11/3;seed=1;"
#for zernide mode (e.g. 5): "rms=100;mode=5"
#for petal modes (e.g. 6 petals): "petal=6; rms=100;"
#The file header or the string also should contain the following
#dx: the sampling along x and y direction (default is 1/64)
#ox,oy: the origin along x and y direction (default is -n/2*dx)
#h: height of the surface from pupil (default is 0).
#vx,vy: frozen flow speed in m/s only for random screen (default is 0).
#SURFEVL=[]: vector of the same length of evl.thetax with 1 or 0 to indicate whether the science evaluation direction is covered or not by this map. If keyword is not present, assume all are covered.
#SURFWFS=[]: vector of the same length of wfs.thetax with 1 or 0 to indicate whether the WFS is covered or not by this map. If keyword is not present, assume all are covered.
#Important: The OPD should cover more area (1/2 meter each side) than meta pupil for interpolation to avoid edge roll off.
ncpa.tsurf = [] #Simulating surfaces on M3 that is tilted in converging beam (do not use unless instructed to do so)
#Each file contains an array of surface map (NOT OPD) with the following key in header.
#keys:(all units are in meters.)
#dx,dy: the sampling along x and y direction,
#ox,oy: the origin along x and y direction,
#txdeg: the x tilt angle in degree wrt beam (90 is prep),
#tydeg: the y tilt angle in degree wrt beam (90 is prep),
#ftel: The telescope effective focal length,
#fexit: the distance between the exit pupil and the focus,
#fsurf: the distance between the M3 and the focus.