Multithreaded Adaptive Optics Simulator
types.h File Reference

Data Structures

struct  aper_t
struct  llt_t
struct  intstat_t
struct  powfs_t
struct  ngsmod_t
struct  fdpcg_t
struct  moao_t
struct  invpsd_t
struct  fractal_t
struct  fit_t
struct  recon_t
struct  sim_save_t
struct  wfsints_t
struct  dither_t
struct  wfsflags_t
struct  sim_t
struct  global_t


#define CHECK_SAVE(start, end, now, every)   ((now)>=(start) && (((every)>1 && ((now)+1-(start))%(every)==0) || (now)+1==(end)))


void wait_dmreal (sim_t *simu, int isim)

Detailed Description

A few run time structs

Data Structure Documentation

◆ aper_t

struct aper_t

contains the data associated with the aperture and performance evaluation.

+ Collaboration diagram for aper_t:
Data Fields
loc_t * locs

Fine sampled grid on aperture for peformance evaluation.

loccell * locs_dm

Distorted locs when mapped onto DM

dmat * amp

amplitude map defined on locs, if exists. sum to 1. for performance evaluation

dmat * amp1

amplitude map defined on locs, maximum is 1. use for plotting.

map_t * ampground

The input amplitude map on ground level read from file.

dmat * mod

modal column vectors if parms->evl.nmax>1

dmat * mcc
dmat * imcc

inverse of piston/tip/tilt mode cross-coupling for evaluations.

real ipcc

piston term in imcc.

real sumamp2

sum of amplitude squared

locfft_t * embed

For computing PSF with FFT

real fcp

piston correction in focus term.

dcell * opdadd

All OPD surface for each evaluation direction, used for ray tracing

dcell * opdbias

NCPA OPD surface for each NCPA direction, used for dm_ncpa calibration.

dsp * hpetal

Mapping from petal p/t/t to phase at aperture.

◆ llt_t

struct llt_t

contains the data associated with a LLT uplink path.

+ Collaboration diagram for llt_t:
Data Fields
loc_t * loc

The grid that defines the LLT pupil

pts_t * pts

The LLT lower left grid point location

dmat * amp

The amplitude defined on loc

dcell * mcc

modal cross coupling matrix

dcell * imcc

inverse of imcc

dcell * ncpa

The LLT surface error

◆ intstat_t

struct intstat_t

contains the intensity statistics assiciated with a certain powfs for physical optics wfs.

+ Collaboration diagram for intstat_t:
Data Fields
cccell * fotf

The final optf before fft and multiply with si to get i0. Used for MAP tracking and wfslinearity.

dccell * sepsf

short expsoure PSF.

dcell * i0

short exposure image. nsa x nllt

dcell * gx

gradient of i0 along x

dcell * gy

gradient of i0 along y

dmat * i0sum

sum of i0 for each subaperture

dmat * i0sumsum

sum of i0sum for all subapertures

dcell * mtche

mtched filter operator along x/y, even if radpix=1

◆ powfs_t

struct powfs_t

contains the data associated with a certain type of WFS. not necessarily physical optics WFS.x

+ Collaboration diagram for powfs_t:
Data Fields
loc_t * saloc

lower left corner of the subaperture

pts_t * pts

records lower left-most point of each sa in a regular grid.

loc_t * loc

concatenated points for all subapertures.

loccell * loc_dm

distorted loc mapped onto DM. size: (nwfs, ndm)

loccell * loc_tel

distorted loc mapped onto pupil. size: (nwfs, 1). used for mkamp and ray trace. do not use in mkg

dcell * amp

The real (after misregisteration/distortion) amplitude map defined on loc. nx is powfs.nwfs or 1.

dcell * saa

The real (after misregisteration/distortion) subaperture area. same dimension as amp

dmat * sumamp

sum of amp

dmat * sumamp2

sum of amp.^2

dmat * saasum

sum of saa

dmat * saamax

Max of subaperture area across all wfs in this powfs.

dmat * saamin

Min of subaperture area across all wfs in this powfs.

real areascale

1./max(area noramlized by dsa*dsa)

dcell * opdadd

opdadd includes both common and NCPA OPDS. It is used for ray tracing

dcell * opdbias

opdbias is used to compute gradient offset. It includes contributions only from NCPA OPD.

dcell * gradncpa

Offset to grads due to ncpa. Copied to simu->gradoff

dtf_t * dtf

array of dtf for each wvl

dcell * sodium

Loaded and downsampled sodium profile from the file for simulation.

dcell * sodiumprep

Loaded and downsampled sodium profile from the file for i0 if not NULL.

etf_t * etfprep

ETF for computing short exposure matched filter.

etf_t * etfsim

ETF for simulation.

etf_t * etfsim2

Second ETF for interpolation during simulation.

dmat * focus

additional focus error. (llt->fnrange)

llt_t * llt

uplink aperture parameters

dccell * saimcc

inverse of p/t/t model cross coupling matrix for each subaps to compute ztilt.

dcell * srot

subaperture rotation wrt LLT

dcell * srsa

subaperture distance wrt LLT

dmat * srsamax

max of srsa for each llt.

dmat * pixoffx

Actual pixel offset wrt lenslet. Along r/a if radpix is true.

dmat * pixoffy

Actual pixel offset wrt lenslet

dspcell * GS0

gtilt (average gradient) on ampm

dcell * neasim

LL' decomposition of nea covariance matrix, with unit in radian, at dtrat, to be used in simulation for geometric wfs model.

lcell * sprint

indices of subapertures to print sanea

intstat_t * intstat

matched filter i0 and its derivative.

dmat * dtheta

sampling of the imaging fft grid. wvl/(embfac*dxsa);

dcell * bkgrnd

wfs background image. from parms->powfs[ipowfs].bkgrndfn.

dcell * bkgrndc

wfs background image calibration. from parms->powfs[ipowfs].bkgrndfnc.

dcell * sanea

computed sanea (nsa*3) for each WFS. (rad^2)

int pixpsax

number of detector pixels along x

int pixpsay

number of detector pixels along y

int notfx

PSF is extended to this side before computing OTF

int notfy

PSF is extended to this side before computing OTF

locfft_t ** fieldstop

For computing field stop (aka focal plane mask, spatial filter)

struct pywfs_t * pywfs

For pyramid WFS

struct fit_t * fit

Fit turbulence to lenslet grid. For aliasing computation.

◆ ngsmod_t

struct ngsmod_t

NGS mode and reconstructors in ad hoc split tomography. Only useful with 1 or 2 DMs.

+ Collaboration diagram for ngsmod_t:
Data Fields
real hs

height of LGS

real hdm

height of upper DM.

real scale


real aper_fcp

piston term in focus in plocs.

real lp2

LPF coefficient for P(Rngs,1)

dcell * MCCP

cross coupling of the NGS modes for each direction. Hm'*W*Hm

dmat * MCC

cross coupling of the NGS modes. 2x2 for 1 dm. 5x5 for 2 dms

dmat * IMCC_TT

inv of cross coupling of tip/tilt modes only.

dmat * IMCC

inv of MCC.

dmat * IMCC_F

inv of MCC only including focus mode

dmat * MCCu


dcell * GM

ngsmod vector to gradient operator

dccell * Rngs

NGS reconstructor from NGS grad to NGS mod vec. pinv of GM

dcell * Pngs

Reconstruct DM command to NGS modes with weighting specified by tomo.ahst_wt

dcell * Modes

DM vector for the modes

dspcell * Wa

Aperture weighting. Ha'*W*Ha. It has zeros in diagonal. Add tikholnov

lmat * modvalid

Flag of valid modes that has multi-rate control

int nmod

nmod: 5 for 2 dm, 2 for 1 dm.

int ahstfocus

records parms->tomo.ahst_focus

int indfocus

Include focus in NGS controlled modes. Records the index

int indps

Include plate scale in NGS controlled modes. Records the index

int indastig

Include astigmatism mode in NGS controlled modes. Records the index

◆ fdpcg_t

struct fdpcg_t

contains data for Fourier Domain Preconditioner.

+ Collaboration diagram for fdpcg_t:
Data Fields
loccell * xloc

record recon->xloc

csp * Minv

inverse of fourier domain preconditioner matrix M.

ccell * Mbinv

block version of Minv. (in permuted order)

lmat * perm

Permutation vector to get block diagonal matrix

lmat * permhf

Permutation vector to be used when complex2real fft is used. Size is about half of perm.

long nxtot

Total number of reconstructed phase points

int square

Whether xloc is square

int scale

Do we need to scale after fft.

long nbx

Basic frequency range in x

long nby

Basic frequency range in y nb=nbx*nby.

long bs

Size of each diagonal block.

◆ moao_t

struct moao_t

contains MOAO related data

+ Collaboration diagram for moao_t:
Data Fields
int used

Whether this MOAO is used or not

loccell * aloc

Actuator grid

mapcell * amap

Points to aloc->map

dspcell * HA

Propagator from this aloc to PLOC

dcell * NW

null modes and constraints

dmat * W1

Weighting matrix on PLOC. same as recon->W1

dsp * W0

Weighting matrix on PLOC. same as recon->W0

dcell * actcpl

actuator coupling factor. 0 means actuator is outside of FoV and need to be slaved.

dspcell * actslave

Slaving operator for actuators not illuminated

dmat * aimcc

used for tip/tilt removal from DM commands.

lcell * actstuck

stuck actuators

lcell * actfloat

floating actuators

◆ invpsd_t

struct invpsd_t

A convenient wrap of the data to embed into muv_t for applying invpsd to opds defined on xloc.

+ Collaboration diagram for invpsd_t:
Data Fields
dcell * invpsd

inverse of the turbulence PSF

ccell * fftxopd

temporary array to apply inverse PSD in Fourier domain.

loccell * xloc

points to recon->xloc

int square

whether opd is on square xloc or not.

◆ fractal_t

struct fractal_t

A convenient wrap of the data to embed into muv_t for applying fractal regularization to opds defined on xloc.

+ Collaboration diagram for fractal_t:
Data Fields
dcell * xopd

A square array to embed x on xloc into for fractal

loccell * xloc

points to recon->xloc

const real * wt

weight of each layer

real r0

The Fried parameter

real L0

The outer scale

real scale

An additional scaling factor

long ninit

The initial size to do with covariance matrix. 2 is minimum

◆ fit_t

struct fit_t

Holding parameters for DM fitting.

+ Collaboration diagram for fit_t:
Data Fields
loccell * xloc

Input grid for DM fitting

loc_t * floc

intermediate pupil plane grid.

loccell * aloc

Destination grid (DM actuator)

dsp * W0

floc weighting for circle of diam aper.d

dmat * W1

floc weighting for circle of diam aper.d

dmat * thetax

DM fitting directions

dmat * thetay

DM fitting directions

dmat * wt

DM fitting weights

dmat * hs

DM fitting GS height

lcell * actstuck
lcell * actfloat
char ** misreg
fit_cfg_t flag
int notrecon

Not for reconstruction

int isref

Do not free generated data if isref is set

dspcell * HXF

ray tracing propagator from xloc to floc for fitting directions.

dspcell * HA

ray tracing from aloc to floc for fitting directions.

dcell * actcpl
dspcell * actextrap

actuator interpolation

dspcell * actslave

force slave actuators to have similar value to active neighbor ones.

dcell * NW

null modes for DM fit.

muv_t FR

DM fit right hand size matrix, solve FL*x=FR*y

muv_t FL

DM fit left hand size matrix

◆ recon_t

struct recon_t

contains data related to wavefront reconstruction and DM fitting.

+ Collaboration diagram for recon_t:
Data Fields
real r0

r0 used in reconstruction. may get updated in cn2 estimation

real L0

L0 used in reconstruction. may get updated in cn2 estimation

dmat * ht

height of the layers to do tomography.

dmat * wt

weight of the layers to to tomography. may get updated in cn2 estimation

dmat * os

over sampling of the layers.

dmat * dx

sampling in meter of the layers

wfsr_cfg_t * wfsr

references parms->wfsr

loccell * saloc

referenced from powfs.saloc

loc_t * ploc

Grid on pupil for tomography

map_t * pmap

square grid of ploc.

loccell * xloc

reconstructed atmosphere grid.

mapcell * xmap

The map of xloc (only if tomo.square is true)

mapcell * xcmap

The map of xloc on non-cone coordinate, with floc sampling.

dcell * xmcc

used for tip/tilt removal from tomographic screens.

lmat * xnx

A convenient reference of the size of each xloc

lmat * xny

A convenient reference of the size of each xloc

lmat * xnloc

A convenient reference of the size of each xloc

map_t * fmap

Grid on pupil for DM fitting

loc_t * floc

Grid on pupil for DM fitting.

loccell * aloc

actuator grid

mapcell * amap

square grid of actuators

mapcell * acmap
lmat * anx

For caching DM to intermediate plane during fitting (GPU) Size of each amap

lmat * any

Size of each amap

lmat * anloc

Size of each aloc

lmat * ngrad

Size of each grad for each wfs

lcell * actfloat

floating actuators

lcell * actstuck

stuck actuators

dcell * amod

ndmx1. Zernike/KL modes defined on aloc for modal control

lmat * anmod

Sizeof of amod

fit_t * fit

Holding data and parameters for DM fitting.

dcell * aimcc

used for tip/tilt removal from DM commands.

dsp * W0

floc weighting for circle of diam aper.d

dmat * W1

floc weighting for circle of diam aper.d

dspcell * L2

Laplacian square regularization.

dspcell * L2save

save old L2 to update the tomography matrix.

invpsd_t * invpsd

data to apply inverse of psf to opd on xloc

fractal_t * fractal

data to apply fractal regularization on opd on xloc

fdpcg_t * fdpcg

fdpcg preconditioner data.

dspcell * GP

Gradient operator from HXW. GX=GP*H for each wfs..

dspcell * HXW

Ray tracing operator from xloc to ploc for all WFS.

dspcell * HXWtomo

Like GXtomo

dspcell * GX

Gradient operator for all WFS from each layer of xloc

dspcell * GXtomo

GX for tomography. excluding NGS in split tomography

dspcell * GXlo

GX for low order WFs

dcell * GXL

dense GX for low order WFS in MV split tomography.

dcell * MVRngs

NGS recon for MV split tomography

dcell * MVModes

MVST Modes (svd'ed)

dcell * MVGM

NGS WFS gradient operator from MVST Modes.

dcell * MVFM

NGS Focus reconstructed from MVST Modes.

dspcell * GA

actuator to wfs grad.

cell * GAlo

GA or GM of low order WFS.

dspcell * GAhi

GA of high order WFS.

dcell * GM

GM for all WFS.

dcell * GMhi

GM for high order WFS.

dspcell * HA_ncpa

ray tracing from aloc to floc for NCPA directions

dcell * TT

TT modes for LGS WFS

dcell * PTT

pinv of TT for tt removal from LGS gradients

dcell * FF

Global focus or Differential focus modes for LGS wfs low rank

dcell * PFF

pinv of FF. to use in RTC.

dcell * TTF

Concatenation of TT and DF

dcell * PTTF

pinv of TTF

dspcell * ZZT

single point piston constraint in tomography.

dcell * DMTT

DM tip/tilt mode.

dcell * DMPTT

DM tip/tilt reconstructor.

dcell * actcpl

actuator coupling factor. 0 means actuator is outside of FoV and need to be slaved.

dspcell * actextrap

Interpolation operator for floating actuators and edge actuators. Slaving does not work well in CG.

dspcell * sanea

Measurement noise covairance, sanea^2 for each wfs in radian^2

dspcell * saneal

cholesky decomposition L of sanea^2 for each wfs to compute noise propagation

dspcell * saneai

inverse of sanea^2 in radian^-2 for each wfs

dcell * ecnn

covairance of Hx*(E*Cnn*E^t)*Hx^t: noise propagation to science.

dmat * neam

subaperture averaged nea for each wfs

real neamhi

average of neam for high order wfs.

real sigmanlo

Wavefront error (m^2) due to noise for lo order.

real sigmanhi

Wavefront error (m^2) due to noise for high order. Needs to multiply with simu->gradscale^2.

muv_t RR

tomography right hand side matrix, solve RL*x=RR*y

muv_t RL

tomography left hand side matrix

muv_t LR

least square reconstructor rhs

muv_t LL

least square reconstructor lhs. solve LL*x=LR*y

dmat * MVM

Matrix vector multiply

dcell * MVA

Correction to MVM*g by (MVA-I)*a for PSOL.

moao_t * moao

for MOAO DM fitting

dcell * GFlgs

Focus to LGS gradients

dcell * GFngs

Focus to NGS gradients

dcell * GFall

Focus to WFS Gradients.

dcell * RFlgsg

focus reconstruction for each LGS from grad

dcell * RFngsg

focus reconstruction for all TTF NGS from grad.

dcell * RFdm

Focus from DM commands. For telescope offloading

dcell * GRall

Truth zernike modes to gradient. Was only radial modes but now all modes (depends on recon.twfs_radonly

dcell * GRtwfs

Truth zernike modes to gradient for twfs

dcell * RRtwfs

Truth zernike modes reconstruction from twfs grads

dcell * GRlgs

Truth zernike modes to gradient for LGS (sodium fit)

dcell * RRlgs

Truth zernike modes reconstruction from LGS grad adjustments (sodium fit)

petal_t ** petal

Petaling mode reconstruction tools.

dsp * apetal

Petal mode defined at the ground DM

dcell * dither_m

The dither mode added to DM command (ndm*1)

int dither_npoint

The dither period

int dither_dtrat

The dtrat of the powers that requests dithering

int dither_md

multi-mode dithering bin size in amod

dcell * dither_rg

The dither mode recon from grads (nwfs*nwfs)

dcell * dither_ra

The dither mode recon from dm commands (ndm*ndm)

ngsmod_t * ngsmod

ngs mod in ad hoc split tomography.

cn2est_t * cn2est

For Cn2 Estimation

dcell * dm_ncpa

NCPA calibration for DM. add to dmreal.

int lowfs_gtilt

=1 if any low order wfs use gtilt in recon/simu

int npsr

number of reconstructor phase screens.

int nthread

number of threads in reconstruction.

int cxxalg

records parms->tomo.cxxalg

int nwfsr

references parms->nwfsr

cell * Herr

Ray tracing from DM along science directions for a few points. dcell for modal control. sparse for zonal control

◆ sim_save_t

struct sim_save_t
+ Collaboration diagram for sim_save_t:
Data Fields
zfarr ** wfspsfout

special file to save wfs psf history

zfarr ** ztiltout

special file to save zernike wfs tilt history

zfarr * evlpsfolmean

science field psf OL time average

zfarr ** evlpsfmean

science field psf CL time average

zfarr ** evlpsfhist

to save time history of science field psf

zfarr ** evlopdcov

science field OPD covariance

zfarr ** evlopdmean

science field OPD mean

zfarr * evlopdcovol

science field OPD covariance (open loop)

zfarr * evlopdmeanol

science field OPD mean (open loop)

zfarr ** evlpsfmean_ngsr

science field psf CL time average with NGS mode removed

zfarr ** evlpsfhist_ngsr

to save time history of science field psf with NGS mode removed

zfarr ** evlopdcov_ngsr

science field OPD covariance with NGS mode removed

zfarr ** evlopdmean_ngsr

science field OPD mean with NGS mode removed.

zfarr ** ecovxx

the time history of xx used to calculate ecov.

zfarr * dmerr
zfarr * dmint
zfarr * dmrecon
zfarr * dmreal
dmat * ttmreal
zfarr * dmcmd
zfarr * dmproj
zfarr * Merr_lo
zfarr * Mint_lo
zfarr * opdr
zfarr * opdx
zfarr ** evlopdcl
zfarr ** evlopdol
zfarr ** wfsopd
zfarr ** wfsopdol
zfarr ** wfslltopd
zfarr ** gradcl
zfarr ** gradnf
zfarr ** gradgeom
zfarr ** gradol
zfarr ** intsny
zfarr ** intsnf
zfarr ** dm_evl
zfarr ** dm_wfs
zfarr * psdcl
zfarr * psdol
zfarr * psdcl_lo
zfarr * psdol_lo
zfarr * restwfs

Truth wfs output

dcell * fsmerrs

file to store fsmerr history

dcell * fsmcmds

file to store fsmcmd history

dcell * ltpm_real

file to store ltpm_real history

◆ wfsints_t

struct wfsints_t
+ Collaboration diagram for wfsints_t:
Data Fields
dcell * ints
ccell * psfout
dcell * pistatout
const dmat * gradref
const dmat * opd
const dmat * lltopd
int iwfs
int isim

◆ dither_t

struct dither_t

data for dithering statistics collection

+ Collaboration diagram for dither_t:
Data Fields
real delta

PLL estimation of servo lag (only) at every time step

real deltam

Output of PLL

real deltao

Offset of delta from outer loop

real delay

Diference of delay from 2 frame due to beam propagation

real a2m

input dither amplitude

real a2me

measured dither amplitude

dmat * a2mv

input dither amplitude per mode

dmat * a2mev

measured dither amplitude per mode

dcell * imb

accumulated im

dcell * imx

accumulated cos()*im

dcell * imy

accumulated sin()*im

dcell * i0

accumulated imb for matched filter

dcell * gx

accumulated imx for matched filter

dcell * gy

accumulated imy for matched filter

dmat * ggm

Accumulated cos()*tt_x and sin()*tt_y

dmat * gg0

Averaged ggm

dcell * mr

Mode reconstructed from actuator and gradients

◆ wfsflags_t

struct wfsflags_t

A collection of flags during simulation for each powfs.

+ Collaboration diagram for wfsflags_t:
Data Fields
int do_phy

Do physical optics

int do_pistat

Collect pixel intensity statistics

int gradout

Gradient count or 0 if no output

int pllout

PLL output count or 0 if no update

int ogacc

OG accumulation count or 0 if no action

int ogout

OG output count or 0 if no update

◆ sim_t

struct sim_t

contains all the run time data struct.

+ Collaboration diagram for sim_t:
Data Fields
rand_t * wfs_rand

random stream for each wfs.

rand_t * atm_rand

random stream for atmosphere turbulence generation

rand_t * atmwd_rand

random stream for wind direction

rand_t * telws_rand

random stream for wind shake

rand_t * init_rand

random stream to initialize other streams

rand_t * misc_rand

For misc purposes

genatm_t * atmcfg
mapcell * atm

fine sampled simulation turbulence screens

dmat * atmscale

Scale atmosphere during ray tracing to simulate r0 variation.

mapcell * cachedm

grid cache dm actuator to a finer sampled screen. for fast ray tracing to WFS and aper

dmat * winddir

input wind direction

rmapcell * tsurf

input tilted M3 surface read from parms->tsurf

mapcell * surf

input surface: M1, M2 or else. common to all wfs and science field.

dmat * telws

Telescope wind shake time series, along ground layer wind direction

dcell * wfsopd

WFS Ray tracing result

dccell * ints

WFS subaperture images.

dccell * intsout

Time averaged subaperture image

cccell * wfspsfout

output WFS PSF history.

dccell * pistatout

WFS time averaged tip/tilt removed PSF

dcell * gradcl

cl grad output at step isim.

dcell * gradacc

accumulate gradident for dtrat>1

dcell * gradlastcl

cl grad from last time step, for reconstructor

dcell * gradlastol

psol grad from last time step, for reconstructor

dcell * cn2res

Cn2 Estimation Result

dcell * gradoff

Offset to grads to subtract from measurement.

dcell * gradoffacc

Accumulates gradoff to determine its average

dcell * gradoffdrift

for drift control

int gradoffnacc

gradoffacc counter

int gradoffisim

last isim the new gradoff is activated

int gradoffisim0

last isim the gradoffacc is reset

real eptwfs

Twfs reference vector servo gain.

dcell * gradscale

Gain adjustment for cog and pywfs.

dcell * gradscale2

Gain scaling for other dithering modes.

dcell * llt_ws

LLT uplink jitter (per LLT)

dcell * ltpm_lpf

For center launch only: LLT common path pointing mirror LPF

dcell * ltpm_cmd

For center launch only: LLT common path pointing mirror command

dcell * ltpm_real

For center launch only: LLT common path pointing mirror state after sho filtering

sho_t ** ltpm_sho

For center launch only: LLT common path pointing mirror state

dccell * petal_i0

WFS accumulated i0.

dcell * petal_m

Petal estimator output.

dcell * opdr

reconstructed OPD defined on xloc in tomography output.

dcell * gngsmvst

opdr to NGS gradient.

dcell * cgres

CG residuals for tomography and fit

dmat * clem

lgs/ngs mod error in split tomography

dcell * clemp

lgs/ngs mod error per direction. only on-axis is computed.

dmat * corrNGSm

Correction of NGS mode. (integrator output)

dmat * cleNGSm

Close loop ngs mods in split tomogrpahy.

dmat * oleNGSm

Open loop ngs mods in split tomogrpahy.

dcell * cleNGSmp


dcell * oleNGSmp

(M'*w*phi); for OL

dcell * res

warping of ole,cletomo,cle,clem for easy saving.

dcell * resdither

Phase and amplitude estimation of dithering

dcell * dmpsol

DM command for PSOL feedback

dcell * dmtmp

Holds a temporary dm vector. Maybe in zonal or modal space.

dcell * dmtmp2

Holds a temporary dm vector. Always in zonal space.

dcell * dmcmd

This is the final DM command send to DME.

dcell * dmreal

This is the actual position of DM actuators after receiving command dmcmd. Should only be used in system, not in reconstruction since it is unknown.

dmat * ttmreal

TT mirror command

mapcell * dmrealsq

dmreal embeded into an square map, zero padded.

dcell * dmproj

The projection of atm onto DM space directly.

mapcell * dmprojsq

dmproj embeded into square map, zero padded.

dccell * wfspsol

time averaged dm command (dtrat>1) for psol grad

dcell * dmhist

histogram of dm commands. if dbg.dmhist is 1.

hyst_t ** hyst

Hysterisis computation stat

dcell * dmadd

cell of dm vector to simulate turbulence (added to integrator output). A cell for each DM. In each cell, one colume is for each time step. Wraps over in the end

servo_t * dmint

dm integrator. (used of fuseint==1)

dcell * dmrecon

direct high order fit output

dcell * dmerr

equals to dmerr_store when there is output.

dcell * dmerr_store

high order dm error signal.

dcell * Merr_lo
dcell * Merr_lo_store

split tomography NGS mode error signal.

dcell * Merr_lo2

Saves LPF of Merr_lo result

servo_t * Mint_lo

intermediate results for type II/lead filter

dcell * Mngs

Temporary: NGS mode in DM commands

dcell * fsmerr
dcell * fsmerr_store

uplink error

dcell * fsmerr_drift

Drift control of uplink

servo_t ** fsmint

uplink integrator output.

sho_t ** fsmsho

FSM sho response

dcell * fsmcmd

FSM command

dcell * fsmreal

FSM real position

dcell * LGSfocus

LGS focus error

dcell * LGSfocus_drift

LGS focus drift error

dcell * LGSfocusts

Time history of focus error

dmat * lgsfocuslpf

low pass filtered individual LGS focus

real ngsfocuslpf

low pass filtered NGS focus

dmat * zoomdrift

Trombone error signal from i0/ib drift control

lmat * zoomdrift_count
dmat * zoomint

Trombone integrator

dmat * zoomavg

Trombone averager from gradients

lmat * zoomavg_count

Count of zoomavg accumulation

dcell * zoompos

Trombone position history. for saving

long zoompos_icol

Current column

dcell * telfocusint

Telescope focus integrated

dcell * telfocusreal

Telescope focus integrated

dcell * dmerrts

Herr*dmerr time history

dmat * Merrts

Time history of low order mode.

dcell * evlopd

Save science ifeld opd for use in perfevl_mean().

dcell * evlopdmean

science field opd mean

dmat * evlopdground

evaluation opd for ground layer turbulence to save ray tracing.

dcell * evlpsfmean

science field psf time average

dcell * evlpsfolmean

science field OL PSF time averging

dcell * evlopdcov

science field opd covariance

dmat * evlopdcovol

science field opd covariance (open loop)

dmat * evlopdmeanol

science field opd mean (open loop)

dcell * evlpsfmean_ngsr

science field psf time average with NGS mode removed.

dcell * evlopdcov_ngsr

science field opd covariance with NGS mode removed.

dcell * evlopdmean_ngsr

science field opd mean with NGS mode removed.

dcell * ecov

covariance of Hx*x-Ha*a for science directions.

dcell * gcov

covariance of psuedo open loop gradients.

dcell * resp

Stores olmp, clmp, olep, clep

dcell * olmp

OL mode coefficient per direction.

dcell * clmp

CL mode coefficient per direction.

dcell * olep

OL error per direction.

dcell * clep

CL error per direction.

dmat * ole

field averaged OL error

dmat * cle

field averaged CL error

dmat * ngsmodlpf

For removal low frequency component of ngsmod from LGS recon

dcell * dm_wfs

moao DM command computed for wfs

dcell * dm_evl

moao DM command computed for science field

real tk_0

Start time of each isim

real tk_eval

time spent in perfevl in this step

real tk_recon

time spent in reconstruct in this step

real tk_cache

time spent in cachedm in this step

real tk_wfs

time spent in wfsgrad in this step

propdata_t * cachedm_propdata

wrapped data for ray tracing from aloc to cachedm

propdata_t * wfs_propdata_dm

wrap of data for ray tracing from DM in wfsgrad.c

propdata_t * wfs_propdata_atm

wrap of data for ray tracing from ATM in wfsgrad.c

propdata_t * evl_propdata_atm
propdata_t * evl_propdata_dm
thread_t ** cachedm_prop

wrapped cachedm_propdata for threading

thread_t ** wfs_prop_dm

wrap of wfs_propdata_dm for threaded ray tracing

thread_t ** wfs_prop_atm

wrap of wfs_propdata_atm for threaded ray tracing

thread_t ** evl_prop_atm
thread_t ** evl_prop_dm
wfsints_t * wfs_intsdata

wrap of data for wfsints.c

thread_t ** wfs_ints

wrap of wfs_intsdata for threaded processing

thread_t * wfsgrad_pre
thread_t * wfsgrad_post

to call wfsgrad_iwfs or gpu_wfsgrad_queue in threads.

thread_t * perfevl_pre

to call wfsgrad_post in threads.

thread_t * perfevl_post

to call perfevl_ievl or gpu_perfevl_queue in threads.

sim_save_t * save

to call gpu_perfevl_sync in threads. Telemetry output

status_t * status

status report to scheduler.

dither_t ** dither
ccell * opdrhat

For testing For wind estimation (testing)

ccell * opdrhatlast

for wind estimation.(testing)

const char ** plot_legs

Saved for plotting

dccell * plot_res legend
int plot_isim results array
int wfsints_isa previous plotted isum;

sa counter for wfsints

int perfevl_iground

index of the layer at ground

int seed

current running seed.

int iseed

index of current running seed.

int wfsisim

record current simulations step for wfs.

int perfisim

record current simulations step for pefevl.

int reconisim

The time step for the gradlast data struct. =isim for OL, =isim-1 for CL

wfsflags_t * wfsflags

Runtime flags for each wfs

const parms_t * parms

pointer to parms

const aper_t * aper

pointer to aper

recon_t * recon

pointer to recon

powfs_t * powfs

pointer to powfs

real last_report_time

The time we lasted reported status to the scheduler.

int tomo_update

Triggering setup_recon_tomo_upate

int pause

pause simulation every this many steps. Copies from sim.pause

int dmreal_isim
unsigned int dmreal_count
pthread_cond_t dmreal_condr
pthread_cond_t dmreal_condw
pthread_mutex_t dmreal_mutex
int wfsgrad_isim
int wfsgrad_count
pthread_cond_t wfsgrad_condr
pthread_cond_t wfsgrad_condw
pthread_mutex_t wfsgrad_mutex

◆ global_t

struct global_t
+ Collaboration diagram for global_t:
Data Fields
const parms_t * parms
powfs_t * powfs
aper_t * aper
recon_t * recon
sim_t * simu
int iseed
int setupdone

Function Documentation

◆ wait_dmreal()

void wait_dmreal ( sim_t simu,
int  isim 

Wait for dmreal to be available in event driven simulation.