![]() |
Multithreaded Adaptive Optics Simulator
Data Structures | |
struct | aper_t |
struct | llt_t |
struct | intstat_t |
struct | powfs_t |
struct | ngsmod_t |
struct | fdpcg_t |
struct | moao_t |
struct | invpsd_t |
struct | fractal_t |
struct | fit_t |
struct | recon_t |
struct | sim_save_t |
struct | wfsints_t |
struct | dither_t |
struct | wfsflags_t |
struct | sim_t |
struct | global_t |
Macros | |
#define | CHECK_SAVE(start, end, now, every) ((now)>=(start) && (((every)>1 && ((now)+1-(start))%(every)==0) || (now)+1==(end))) |
Functions | |
void | wait_dmreal (sim_t *simu, int isim) |
A few run time structs
struct aper_t |
contains the data associated with the aperture and performance evaluation.
Data Fields | ||
loc_t * | locs |
Fine sampled grid on aperture for peformance evaluation. |
loccell * | locs_dm |
Distorted locs when mapped onto DM |
dmat * | amp |
amplitude map defined on locs, if exists. sum to 1. for performance evaluation |
dmat * | amp1 |
amplitude map defined on locs, maximum is 1. use for plotting. |
map_t * | ampground |
The input amplitude map on ground level read from file. |
dmat * | mod |
modal column vectors if parms->evl.nmax>1 |
dmat * | mcc | |
dmat * | imcc |
inverse of piston/tip/tilt mode cross-coupling for evaluations. |
real | ipcc |
piston term in imcc. |
real | sumamp2 |
sum of amplitude squared |
locfft_t * | embed |
For computing PSF with FFT |
real | fcp |
piston correction in focus term. |
dcell * | opdadd |
All OPD surface for each evaluation direction, used for ray tracing |
dcell * | opdbias |
NCPA OPD surface for each NCPA direction, used for dm_ncpa calibration. |
dsp * | hpetal |
Mapping from petal p/t/t to phase at aperture. |
struct llt_t |
contains the data associated with a LLT uplink path.
Data Fields | ||
loc_t * | loc |
The grid that defines the LLT pupil |
pts_t * | pts |
The LLT lower left grid point location |
dmat * | amp |
The amplitude defined on loc |
dcell * | mcc |
modal cross coupling matrix |
dcell * | imcc |
inverse of imcc |
dcell * | ncpa |
The LLT surface error |
struct intstat_t |
contains the intensity statistics assiciated with a certain powfs for physical optics wfs.
Data Fields | ||
cccell * | fotf |
The final optf before fft and multiply with si to get i0. Used for MAP tracking and wfslinearity. |
dccell * | sepsf |
short expsoure PSF. |
dcell * | i0 |
short exposure image. nsa x nllt |
dcell * | gx |
gradient of i0 along x |
dcell * | gy |
gradient of i0 along y |
dmat * | i0sum |
sum of i0 for each subaperture |
dmat * | i0sumsum |
sum of i0sum for all subapertures |
dcell * | mtche |
mtched filter operator along x/y, even if radpix=1 |
struct powfs_t |
contains the data associated with a certain type of WFS. not necessarily physical optics WFS.x
Data Fields | ||
loc_t * | saloc |
lower left corner of the subaperture |
pts_t * | pts |
records lower left-most point of each sa in a regular grid. |
loc_t * | loc |
concatenated points for all subapertures. |
loccell * | loc_dm |
distorted loc mapped onto DM. size: (nwfs, ndm) |
loccell * | loc_tel |
distorted loc mapped onto pupil. size: (nwfs, 1). used for mkamp and ray trace. do not use in mkg |
dcell * | amp |
The real (after misregisteration/distortion) amplitude map defined on loc. nx is powfs.nwfs or 1. |
dcell * | saa |
The real (after misregisteration/distortion) subaperture area. same dimension as amp |
dmat * | sumamp |
sum of amp |
dmat * | sumamp2 |
sum of amp.^2 |
dmat * | saasum |
sum of saa |
dmat * | saamax |
Max of subaperture area across all wfs in this powfs. |
dmat * | saamin |
Min of subaperture area across all wfs in this powfs. |
real | areascale |
1./max(area noramlized by dsa*dsa) |
dcell * | opdadd |
opdadd includes both common and NCPA OPDS. It is used for ray tracing |
dcell * | opdbias |
opdbias is used to compute gradient offset. It includes contributions only from NCPA OPD. |
dcell * | gradncpa |
Offset to grads due to ncpa. Copied to simu->gradoff |
dtf_t * | dtf |
array of dtf for each wvl |
dcell * | sodium |
Loaded and downsampled sodium profile from the file for simulation. |
dcell * | sodiumprep |
Loaded and downsampled sodium profile from the file for i0 if not NULL. |
etf_t * | etfprep |
ETF for computing short exposure matched filter. |
etf_t * | etfsim |
ETF for simulation. |
etf_t * | etfsim2 |
Second ETF for interpolation during simulation. |
dmat * | focus |
additional focus error. (llt->fnrange) |
llt_t * | llt |
uplink aperture parameters |
dccell * | saimcc |
inverse of p/t/t model cross coupling matrix for each subaps to compute ztilt. |
dcell * | srot |
subaperture rotation wrt LLT |
dcell * | srsa |
subaperture distance wrt LLT |
dmat * | srsamax |
max of srsa for each llt. |
dmat * | pixoffx |
Actual pixel offset wrt lenslet. Along r/a if radpix is true. |
dmat * | pixoffy |
Actual pixel offset wrt lenslet |
dspcell * | GS0 |
gtilt (average gradient) on ampm |
dcell * | neasim |
LL' decomposition of nea covariance matrix, with unit in radian, at dtrat, to be used in simulation for geometric wfs model. |
lcell * | sprint |
indices of subapertures to print sanea |
intstat_t * | intstat |
matched filter i0 and its derivative. |
dmat * | dtheta |
sampling of the imaging fft grid. wvl/(embfac*dxsa); |
dcell * | bkgrnd |
wfs background image. from parms->powfs[ipowfs].bkgrndfn. |
dcell * | bkgrndc |
wfs background image calibration. from parms->powfs[ipowfs].bkgrndfnc. |
dcell * | sanea |
computed sanea (nsa*3) for each WFS. (rad^2) |
int | pixpsax |
number of detector pixels along x |
int | pixpsay |
number of detector pixels along y |
int | notfx |
PSF is extended to this side before computing OTF |
int | notfy |
PSF is extended to this side before computing OTF |
locfft_t ** | fieldstop |
For computing field stop (aka focal plane mask, spatial filter) |
struct pywfs_t * | pywfs |
For pyramid WFS |
struct fit_t * | fit |
Fit turbulence to lenslet grid. For aliasing computation. |
struct ngsmod_t |
NGS mode and reconstructors in ad hoc split tomography. Only useful with 1 or 2 DMs.
Data Fields | ||
real | hs |
height of LGS |
real | hdm |
height of upper DM. |
real | scale |
(1-ht/hs)^-2 |
real | aper_fcp |
piston term in focus in plocs. |
real | lp2 |
LPF coefficient for P(Rngs,1) |
dcell * | MCCP |
cross coupling of the NGS modes for each direction. Hm'*W*Hm |
dmat * | MCC |
cross coupling of the NGS modes. 2x2 for 1 dm. 5x5 for 2 dms |
dmat * | IMCC_TT |
inv of cross coupling of tip/tilt modes only. |
dmat * | IMCC |
inv of MCC. |
dmat * | IMCC_F |
inv of MCC only including focus mode |
dmat * | MCCu |
dcell * | GM |
ngsmod vector to gradient operator |
dccell * | Rngs |
NGS reconstructor from NGS grad to NGS mod vec. pinv of GM |
dcell * | Pngs |
Reconstruct DM command to NGS modes with weighting specified by tomo.ahst_wt |
dcell * | Modes |
DM vector for the modes |
dspcell * | Wa |
Aperture weighting. Ha'*W*Ha. It has zeros in diagonal. Add tikholnov |
lmat * | modvalid |
Flag of valid modes that has multi-rate control |
int | nmod |
nmod: 5 for 2 dm, 2 for 1 dm. |
int | ahstfocus |
records parms->tomo.ahst_focus |
int | indfocus |
Include focus in NGS controlled modes. Records the index |
int | indps |
Include plate scale in NGS controlled modes. Records the index |
int | indastig |
Include astigmatism mode in NGS controlled modes. Records the index |
struct fdpcg_t |
contains data for Fourier Domain Preconditioner.
Data Fields | ||
loccell * | xloc |
record recon->xloc |
csp * | Minv |
inverse of fourier domain preconditioner matrix M. |
ccell * | Mbinv |
block version of Minv. (in permuted order) |
lmat * | perm |
Permutation vector to get block diagonal matrix |
lmat * | permhf |
Permutation vector to be used when complex2real fft is used. Size is about half of perm. |
long | nxtot |
Total number of reconstructed phase points |
int | square |
Whether xloc is square |
int | scale |
Do we need to scale after fft. |
long | nbx |
Basic frequency range in x |
long | nby |
Basic frequency range in y nb=nbx*nby. |
long | bs |
Size of each diagonal block. |
struct moao_t |
contains MOAO related data
Data Fields | ||
int | used |
Whether this MOAO is used or not |
loccell * | aloc |
Actuator grid |
mapcell * | amap |
Points to aloc->map |
dspcell * | HA |
Propagator from this aloc to PLOC |
dcell * | NW |
null modes and constraints |
dmat * | W1 |
Weighting matrix on PLOC. same as recon->W1 |
dsp * | W0 |
Weighting matrix on PLOC. same as recon->W0 |
dcell * | actcpl |
actuator coupling factor. 0 means actuator is outside of FoV and need to be slaved. |
dspcell * | actslave |
Slaving operator for actuators not illuminated |
dmat * | aimcc |
used for tip/tilt removal from DM commands. |
lcell * | actstuck |
stuck actuators |
lcell * | actfloat |
floating actuators |
struct invpsd_t |
A convenient wrap of the data to embed into muv_t for applying invpsd to opds defined on xloc.
Data Fields | ||
dcell * | invpsd |
inverse of the turbulence PSF |
ccell * | fftxopd |
temporary array to apply inverse PSD in Fourier domain. |
loccell * | xloc |
points to recon->xloc |
int | square |
whether opd is on square xloc or not. |
struct fractal_t |
A convenient wrap of the data to embed into muv_t for applying fractal regularization to opds defined on xloc.
Data Fields | ||
dcell * | xopd |
A square array to embed x on xloc into for fractal |
loccell * | xloc |
points to recon->xloc |
const real * | wt |
weight of each layer |
real | r0 |
The Fried parameter |
real | L0 |
The outer scale |
real | scale |
An additional scaling factor |
long | ninit |
The initial size to do with covariance matrix. 2 is minimum |
struct fit_t |
Holding parameters for DM fitting.
Data Fields | ||
loccell * | xloc |
Input grid for DM fitting |
loc_t * | floc |
intermediate pupil plane grid. |
loccell * | aloc |
Destination grid (DM actuator) |
dsp * | W0 |
floc weighting for circle of diam aper.d |
dmat * | W1 |
floc weighting for circle of diam aper.d |
dmat * | thetax |
DM fitting directions |
dmat * | thetay |
DM fitting directions |
dmat * | wt |
DM fitting weights |
dmat * | hs |
DM fitting GS height |
lcell * | actstuck | |
lcell * | actfloat | |
char ** | misreg | |
fit_cfg_t | flag | |
int | notrecon |
Not for reconstruction |
int | isref |
Do not free generated data if isref is set |
dspcell * | HXF |
ray tracing propagator from xloc to floc for fitting directions. |
dspcell * | HA |
ray tracing from aloc to floc for fitting directions. |
dcell * | actcpl | |
dspcell * | actextrap |
actuator interpolation |
dspcell * | actslave |
force slave actuators to have similar value to active neighbor ones. |
dcell * | NW |
null modes for DM fit. |
muv_t | FR |
DM fit right hand size matrix, solve FL*x=FR*y |
muv_t | FL |
DM fit left hand size matrix |
struct recon_t |
contains data related to wavefront reconstruction and DM fitting.
Data Fields | ||
real | r0 |
r0 used in reconstruction. may get updated in cn2 estimation |
real | L0 |
L0 used in reconstruction. may get updated in cn2 estimation |
dmat * | ht |
height of the layers to do tomography. |
dmat * | wt |
weight of the layers to to tomography. may get updated in cn2 estimation |
dmat * | os |
over sampling of the layers. |
dmat * | dx |
sampling in meter of the layers |
wfsr_cfg_t * | wfsr |
references parms->wfsr |
loccell * | saloc |
referenced from powfs.saloc |
loc_t * | ploc |
Grid on pupil for tomography |
map_t * | pmap |
square grid of ploc. |
loccell * | xloc |
reconstructed atmosphere grid. |
mapcell * | xmap |
The map of xloc (only if tomo.square is true) |
mapcell * | xcmap |
The map of xloc on non-cone coordinate, with floc sampling. |
dcell * | xmcc |
used for tip/tilt removal from tomographic screens. |
lmat * | xnx |
A convenient reference of the size of each xloc |
lmat * | xny |
A convenient reference of the size of each xloc |
lmat * | xnloc |
A convenient reference of the size of each xloc |
map_t * | fmap |
Grid on pupil for DM fitting |
loc_t * | floc |
Grid on pupil for DM fitting. |
loccell * | aloc |
actuator grid |
mapcell * | amap |
square grid of actuators |
mapcell * | acmap | |
lmat * | anx |
For caching DM to intermediate plane during fitting (GPU) Size of each amap |
lmat * | any |
Size of each amap |
lmat * | anloc |
Size of each aloc |
lmat * | ngrad |
Size of each grad for each wfs |
lcell * | actfloat |
floating actuators |
lcell * | actstuck |
stuck actuators |
dcell * | amod |
ndmx1. Zernike/KL modes defined on aloc for modal control |
lmat * | anmod |
Sizeof of amod |
fit_t * | fit |
Holding data and parameters for DM fitting. |
dcell * | aimcc |
used for tip/tilt removal from DM commands. |
dsp * | W0 |
floc weighting for circle of diam aper.d |
dmat * | W1 |
floc weighting for circle of diam aper.d |
dspcell * | L2 |
Laplacian square regularization. |
dspcell * | L2save |
save old L2 to update the tomography matrix. |
invpsd_t * | invpsd |
data to apply inverse of psf to opd on xloc |
fractal_t * | fractal |
data to apply fractal regularization on opd on xloc |
fdpcg_t * | fdpcg |
fdpcg preconditioner data. |
dspcell * | GP |
Gradient operator from HXW. GX=GP*H for each wfs.. |
dspcell * | HXW |
Ray tracing operator from xloc to ploc for all WFS. |
dspcell * | HXWtomo |
Like GXtomo |
dspcell * | GX |
Gradient operator for all WFS from each layer of xloc |
dspcell * | GXtomo |
GX for tomography. excluding NGS in split tomography |
dspcell * | GXlo |
GX for low order WFs |
dcell * | GXL |
dense GX for low order WFS in MV split tomography. |
dcell * | MVRngs |
NGS recon for MV split tomography |
dcell * | MVModes |
MVST Modes (svd'ed) |
dcell * | MVGM |
NGS WFS gradient operator from MVST Modes. |
dcell * | MVFM |
NGS Focus reconstructed from MVST Modes. |
dspcell * | GA |
actuator to wfs grad. |
cell * | GAlo |
GA or GM of low order WFS. |
dspcell * | GAhi |
GA of high order WFS. |
dcell * | GM |
GM for all WFS. |
dcell * | GMhi |
GM for high order WFS. |
dspcell * | HA_ncpa |
ray tracing from aloc to floc for NCPA directions |
dcell * | TT |
TT modes for LGS WFS |
dcell * | PTT |
pinv of TT for tt removal from LGS gradients |
dcell * | FF |
Global focus or Differential focus modes for LGS wfs low rank |
dcell * | PFF |
pinv of FF. to use in RTC. |
dcell * | TTF |
Concatenation of TT and DF |
dcell * | PTTF |
pinv of TTF |
dspcell * | ZZT |
single point piston constraint in tomography. |
dcell * | DMTT |
DM tip/tilt mode. |
dcell * | DMPTT |
DM tip/tilt reconstructor. |
dcell * | actcpl |
actuator coupling factor. 0 means actuator is outside of FoV and need to be slaved. |
dspcell * | actextrap |
Interpolation operator for floating actuators and edge actuators. Slaving does not work well in CG. |
dspcell * | sanea |
Measurement noise covairance, sanea^2 for each wfs in radian^2 |
dspcell * | saneal |
cholesky decomposition L of sanea^2 for each wfs to compute noise propagation |
dspcell * | saneai |
inverse of sanea^2 in radian^-2 for each wfs |
dcell * | ecnn |
covairance of Hx*(E*Cnn*E^t)*Hx^t: noise propagation to science. |
dmat * | neam |
subaperture averaged nea for each wfs |
real | neamhi |
average of neam for high order wfs. |
real | sigmanlo |
Wavefront error (m^2) due to noise for lo order. |
real | sigmanhi |
Wavefront error (m^2) due to noise for high order. Needs to multiply with simu->gradscale^2. |
muv_t | RR |
tomography right hand side matrix, solve RL*x=RR*y |
muv_t | RL |
tomography left hand side matrix |
muv_t | LR |
least square reconstructor rhs |
muv_t | LL |
least square reconstructor lhs. solve LL*x=LR*y |
dmat * | MVM |
Matrix vector multiply |
dcell * | MVA |
Correction to MVM*g by (MVA-I)*a for PSOL. |
moao_t * | moao |
for MOAO DM fitting |
dcell * | GFlgs |
Focus to LGS gradients |
dcell * | GFngs |
Focus to NGS gradients |
dcell * | GFall |
Focus to WFS Gradients. |
dcell * | RFlgsg |
focus reconstruction for each LGS from grad |
dcell * | RFngsg |
focus reconstruction for all TTF NGS from grad. |
dcell * | RFdm |
Focus from DM commands. For telescope offloading |
dcell * | GRall |
Truth zernike modes to gradient. Was only radial modes but now all modes (depends on recon.twfs_radonly |
dcell * | GRtwfs |
Truth zernike modes to gradient for twfs |
dcell * | RRtwfs |
Truth zernike modes reconstruction from twfs grads |
dcell * | GRlgs |
Truth zernike modes to gradient for LGS (sodium fit) |
dcell * | RRlgs |
Truth zernike modes reconstruction from LGS grad adjustments (sodium fit) |
petal_t ** | petal |
Petaling mode reconstruction tools. |
dsp * | apetal |
Petal mode defined at the ground DM |
dcell * | dither_m |
The dither mode added to DM command (ndm*1) |
int | dither_npoint |
The dither period |
int | dither_dtrat |
The dtrat of the powers that requests dithering |
int | dither_md |
multi-mode dithering bin size in amod |
dcell * | dither_rg |
The dither mode recon from grads (nwfs*nwfs) |
dcell * | dither_ra |
The dither mode recon from dm commands (ndm*ndm) |
ngsmod_t * | ngsmod |
ngs mod in ad hoc split tomography. |
cn2est_t * | cn2est |
For Cn2 Estimation |
dcell * | dm_ncpa |
NCPA calibration for DM. add to dmreal. |
int | lowfs_gtilt |
=1 if any low order wfs use gtilt in recon/simu |
int | npsr |
number of reconstructor phase screens. |
int | nthread |
number of threads in reconstruction. |
int | cxxalg |
records parms->tomo.cxxalg |
int | nwfsr |
references parms->nwfsr |
cell * | Herr |
Ray tracing from DM along science directions for a few points. dcell for modal control. sparse for zonal control |
struct sim_save_t |
Data Fields | ||
zfarr ** | wfspsfout |
special file to save wfs psf history |
zfarr ** | ztiltout |
special file to save zernike wfs tilt history |
zfarr * | evlpsfolmean |
science field psf OL time average |
zfarr ** | evlpsfmean |
science field psf CL time average |
zfarr ** | evlpsfhist |
to save time history of science field psf |
zfarr ** | evlopdcov |
science field OPD covariance |
zfarr ** | evlopdmean |
science field OPD mean |
zfarr * | evlopdcovol |
science field OPD covariance (open loop) |
zfarr * | evlopdmeanol |
science field OPD mean (open loop) |
zfarr ** | evlpsfmean_ngsr |
science field psf CL time average with NGS mode removed |
zfarr ** | evlpsfhist_ngsr |
to save time history of science field psf with NGS mode removed |
zfarr ** | evlopdcov_ngsr |
science field OPD covariance with NGS mode removed |
zfarr ** | evlopdmean_ngsr |
science field OPD mean with NGS mode removed. |
zfarr ** | ecovxx |
the time history of xx used to calculate ecov. |
zfarr * | dmerr | |
zfarr * | dmint | |
zfarr * | dmrecon | |
zfarr * | dmreal | |
dmat * | ttmreal | |
zfarr * | dmcmd | |
zfarr * | dmproj | |
zfarr * | Merr_lo | |
zfarr * | Mint_lo | |
zfarr * | opdr | |
zfarr * | opdx | |
zfarr ** | evlopdcl | |
zfarr ** | evlopdol | |
zfarr ** | wfsopd | |
zfarr ** | wfsopdol | |
zfarr ** | wfslltopd | |
zfarr ** | gradcl | |
zfarr ** | gradnf | |
zfarr ** | gradgeom | |
zfarr ** | gradol | |
zfarr ** | intsny | |
zfarr ** | intsnf | |
zfarr ** | dm_evl | |
zfarr ** | dm_wfs | |
zfarr * | psdcl | |
zfarr * | psdol | |
zfarr * | psdcl_lo | |
zfarr * | psdol_lo | |
zfarr * | restwfs |
Truth wfs output |
dcell * | fsmerrs |
file to store fsmerr history |
dcell * | fsmcmds |
file to store fsmcmd history |
dcell * | ltpm_real |
file to store ltpm_real history |
struct wfsints_t |
struct dither_t |
data for dithering statistics collection
Data Fields | ||
real | delta |
PLL estimation of servo lag (only) at every time step |
real | deltam |
Output of PLL |
real | deltao |
Offset of delta from outer loop |
real | delay |
Diference of delay from 2 frame due to beam propagation |
real | a2m |
input dither amplitude |
real | a2me |
measured dither amplitude |
dmat * | a2mv |
input dither amplitude per mode |
dmat * | a2mev |
measured dither amplitude per mode |
dcell * | imb |
accumulated im |
dcell * | imx |
accumulated cos()*im |
dcell * | imy |
accumulated sin()*im |
dcell * | i0 |
accumulated imb for matched filter |
dcell * | gx |
accumulated imx for matched filter |
dcell * | gy |
accumulated imy for matched filter |
dmat * | ggm |
Accumulated cos()*tt_x and sin()*tt_y |
dmat * | gg0 |
Averaged ggm |
dcell * | mr |
Mode reconstructed from actuator and gradients |
struct wfsflags_t |
A collection of flags during simulation for each powfs.
struct sim_t |
contains all the run time data struct.
Data Fields | ||
rand_t * | wfs_rand |
random stream for each wfs. |
rand_t * | atm_rand |
random stream for atmosphere turbulence generation |
rand_t * | atmwd_rand |
random stream for wind direction |
rand_t * | telws_rand |
random stream for wind shake |
rand_t * | init_rand |
random stream to initialize other streams |
rand_t * | misc_rand |
For misc purposes |
genatm_t * | atmcfg | |
mapcell * | atm |
fine sampled simulation turbulence screens |
dmat * | atmscale |
Scale atmosphere during ray tracing to simulate r0 variation. |
mapcell * | cachedm |
grid cache dm actuator to a finer sampled screen. for fast ray tracing to WFS and aper |
dmat * | winddir |
input wind direction |
rmapcell * | tsurf |
input tilted M3 surface read from parms->tsurf |
mapcell * | surf |
input surface: M1, M2 or else. common to all wfs and science field. |
dmat * | telws |
Telescope wind shake time series, along ground layer wind direction |
dcell * | wfsopd |
WFS Ray tracing result |
dccell * | ints |
WFS subaperture images. |
dccell * | intsout |
Time averaged subaperture image |
cccell * | wfspsfout |
output WFS PSF history. |
dccell * | pistatout |
WFS time averaged tip/tilt removed PSF |
dcell * | gradcl |
cl grad output at step isim. |
dcell * | gradacc |
accumulate gradident for dtrat>1 |
dcell * | gradlastcl |
cl grad from last time step, for reconstructor |
dcell * | gradlastol |
psol grad from last time step, for reconstructor |
dcell * | cn2res |
Cn2 Estimation Result |
dcell * | gradoff |
Offset to grads to subtract from measurement. |
dcell * | gradoffacc |
Accumulates gradoff to determine its average |
dcell * | gradoffdrift |
for drift control |
int | gradoffnacc |
gradoffacc counter |
int | gradoffisim |
last isim the new gradoff is activated |
int | gradoffisim0 |
last isim the gradoffacc is reset |
real | eptwfs |
Twfs reference vector servo gain. |
dcell * | gradscale |
Gain adjustment for cog and pywfs. |
dcell * | gradscale2 |
Gain scaling for other dithering modes. |
dcell * | llt_ws |
LLT uplink jitter (per LLT) |
dcell * | ltpm_lpf |
For center launch only: LLT common path pointing mirror LPF |
dcell * | ltpm_cmd |
For center launch only: LLT common path pointing mirror command |
dcell * | ltpm_real |
For center launch only: LLT common path pointing mirror state after sho filtering |
sho_t ** | ltpm_sho |
For center launch only: LLT common path pointing mirror state |
dccell * | petal_i0 |
WFS accumulated i0. |
dcell * | petal_m |
Petal estimator output. |
dcell * | opdr |
reconstructed OPD defined on xloc in tomography output. |
dcell * | gngsmvst |
opdr to NGS gradient. |
dcell * | cgres |
CG residuals for tomography and fit |
dmat * | clem |
lgs/ngs mod error in split tomography |
dcell * | clemp |
lgs/ngs mod error per direction. only on-axis is computed. |
dmat * | corrNGSm |
Correction of NGS mode. (integrator output) |
dmat * | cleNGSm |
Close loop ngs mods in split tomogrpahy. |
dmat * | oleNGSm |
Open loop ngs mods in split tomogrpahy. |
dcell * | cleNGSmp |
(M'*w*phi); |
dcell * | oleNGSmp |
(M'*w*phi); for OL |
dcell * | res |
warping of ole,cletomo,cle,clem for easy saving. |
dcell * | resdither |
Phase and amplitude estimation of dithering |
dcell * | dmpsol |
DM command for PSOL feedback |
dcell * | dmtmp |
Holds a temporary dm vector. Maybe in zonal or modal space. |
dcell * | dmtmp2 |
Holds a temporary dm vector. Always in zonal space. |
dcell * | dmcmd |
This is the final DM command send to DME. |
dcell * | dmreal |
This is the actual position of DM actuators after receiving command dmcmd. Should only be used in system, not in reconstruction since it is unknown. |
dmat * | ttmreal |
TT mirror command |
mapcell * | dmrealsq |
dmreal embeded into an square map, zero padded. |
dcell * | dmproj |
The projection of atm onto DM space directly. |
mapcell * | dmprojsq |
dmproj embeded into square map, zero padded. |
dccell * | wfspsol |
time averaged dm command (dtrat>1) for psol grad |
dcell * | dmhist |
histogram of dm commands. if dbg.dmhist is 1. |
hyst_t ** | hyst |
Hysterisis computation stat |
dcell * | dmadd |
cell of dm vector to simulate turbulence (added to integrator output). A cell for each DM. In each cell, one colume is for each time step. Wraps over in the end |
servo_t * | dmint |
dm integrator. (used of fuseint==1) |
dcell * | dmrecon |
direct high order fit output |
dcell * | dmerr |
equals to dmerr_store when there is output. |
dcell * | dmerr_store |
high order dm error signal. |
dcell * | Merr_lo | |
dcell * | Merr_lo_store |
split tomography NGS mode error signal. |
dcell * | Merr_lo2 |
Saves LPF of Merr_lo result |
servo_t * | Mint_lo |
intermediate results for type II/lead filter |
dcell * | Mngs |
Temporary: NGS mode in DM commands |
dcell * | fsmerr | |
dcell * | fsmerr_store |
uplink error |
dcell * | fsmerr_drift |
Drift control of uplink |
servo_t ** | fsmint |
uplink integrator output. |
sho_t ** | fsmsho |
FSM sho response |
dcell * | fsmcmd |
FSM command |
dcell * | fsmreal |
FSM real position |
dcell * | LGSfocus |
LGS focus error |
dcell * | LGSfocus_drift |
LGS focus drift error |
dcell * | LGSfocusts |
Time history of focus error |
dmat * | lgsfocuslpf |
low pass filtered individual LGS focus |
real | ngsfocuslpf |
low pass filtered NGS focus |
dmat * | zoomdrift |
Trombone error signal from i0/ib drift control |
lmat * | zoomdrift_count | |
dmat * | zoomint |
Trombone integrator |
dmat * | zoomavg |
Trombone averager from gradients |
lmat * | zoomavg_count |
Count of zoomavg accumulation |
dcell * | zoompos |
Trombone position history. for saving |
long | zoompos_icol |
Current column |
dcell * | telfocusint |
Telescope focus integrated |
dcell * | telfocusreal |
Telescope focus integrated |
dcell * | dmerrts |
Herr*dmerr time history |
dmat * | Merrts |
Time history of low order mode. |
dcell * | evlopd |
Save science ifeld opd for use in perfevl_mean(). |
dcell * | evlopdmean |
science field opd mean |
dmat * | evlopdground |
evaluation opd for ground layer turbulence to save ray tracing. |
dcell * | evlpsfmean |
science field psf time average |
dcell * | evlpsfolmean |
science field OL PSF time averging |
dcell * | evlopdcov |
science field opd covariance |
dmat * | evlopdcovol |
science field opd covariance (open loop) |
dmat * | evlopdmeanol |
science field opd mean (open loop) |
dcell * | evlpsfmean_ngsr |
science field psf time average with NGS mode removed. |
dcell * | evlopdcov_ngsr |
science field opd covariance with NGS mode removed. |
dcell * | evlopdmean_ngsr |
science field opd mean with NGS mode removed. |
dcell * | ecov |
covariance of Hx*x-Ha*a for science directions. |
dcell * | gcov |
covariance of psuedo open loop gradients. |
dcell * | resp |
Stores olmp, clmp, olep, clep |
dcell * | olmp |
OL mode coefficient per direction. |
dcell * | clmp |
CL mode coefficient per direction. |
dcell * | olep |
OL error per direction. |
dcell * | clep |
CL error per direction. |
dmat * | ole |
field averaged OL error |
dmat * | cle |
field averaged CL error |
dmat * | ngsmodlpf |
For removal low frequency component of ngsmod from LGS recon |
dcell * | dm_wfs |
moao DM command computed for wfs |
dcell * | dm_evl |
moao DM command computed for science field |
real | tk_0 |
Start time of each isim |
real | tk_eval |
time spent in perfevl in this step |
real | tk_recon |
time spent in reconstruct in this step |
real | tk_cache |
time spent in cachedm in this step |
real | tk_wfs |
time spent in wfsgrad in this step |
propdata_t * | cachedm_propdata |
wrapped data for ray tracing from aloc to cachedm |
propdata_t * | wfs_propdata_dm |
wrap of data for ray tracing from DM in wfsgrad.c |
propdata_t * | wfs_propdata_atm |
wrap of data for ray tracing from ATM in wfsgrad.c |
propdata_t * | evl_propdata_atm | |
propdata_t * | evl_propdata_dm | |
thread_t ** | cachedm_prop |
wrapped cachedm_propdata for threading |
thread_t ** | wfs_prop_dm |
wrap of wfs_propdata_dm for threaded ray tracing |
thread_t ** | wfs_prop_atm |
wrap of wfs_propdata_atm for threaded ray tracing |
thread_t ** | evl_prop_atm | |
thread_t ** | evl_prop_dm | |
wfsints_t * | wfs_intsdata |
wrap of data for wfsints.c |
thread_t ** | wfs_ints |
wrap of wfs_intsdata for threaded processing |
thread_t * | wfsgrad_pre | |
thread_t * | wfsgrad_post |
to call wfsgrad_iwfs or gpu_wfsgrad_queue in threads. |
thread_t * | perfevl_pre |
to call wfsgrad_post in threads. |
thread_t * | perfevl_post |
to call perfevl_ievl or gpu_perfevl_queue in threads. |
sim_save_t * | save |
to call gpu_perfevl_sync in threads. Telemetry output |
status_t * | status |
status report to scheduler. |
dither_t ** | dither | |
ccell * | opdrhat |
For testing For wind estimation (testing) |
ccell * | opdrhatlast |
for wind estimation.(testing) |
const char ** | plot_legs |
Saved for plotting |
dccell * | plot_res | legend |
int | plot_isim | results array |
int | wfsints_isa |
previous plotted isum; sa counter for wfsints |
int | perfevl_iground |
index of the layer at ground |
int | seed |
current running seed. |
int | iseed |
index of current running seed. |
int | wfsisim |
record current simulations step for wfs. |
int | perfisim |
record current simulations step for pefevl. |
int | reconisim |
The time step for the gradlast data struct. =isim for OL, =isim-1 for CL |
wfsflags_t * | wfsflags |
Runtime flags for each wfs |
const parms_t * | parms |
pointer to parms |
const aper_t * | aper |
pointer to aper |
recon_t * | recon |
pointer to recon |
powfs_t * | powfs |
pointer to powfs |
real | last_report_time |
The time we lasted reported status to the scheduler. |
int | tomo_update |
Triggering setup_recon_tomo_upate |
int | pause |
pause simulation every this many steps. Copies from sim.pause |
int | dmreal_isim | |
unsigned int | dmreal_count | |
pthread_cond_t | dmreal_condr | |
pthread_cond_t | dmreal_condw | |
pthread_mutex_t | dmreal_mutex | |
int | wfsgrad_isim | |
int | wfsgrad_count | |
pthread_cond_t | wfsgrad_condr | |
pthread_cond_t | wfsgrad_condw | |
pthread_mutex_t | wfsgrad_mutex |
struct global_t |
void wait_dmreal | ( | sim_t * | simu, |
int | isim | ||
) |
Wait for dmreal to be available in event driven simulation.