Multithreaded Adaptive Optics Simulator
proj.h File Reference


void proj_rect_grid (real *phiout, const rmap_t *mapin, real thetax, real thetay, const loc_t *locout, const real ratiox, const real ratioy, const real *ampout, real sc, real hs, real ht, real betax, real betay)
void m3proj (const rmap_t *tsurf, dmat *opd, const loc_t *locin, real thetax, real thetay, real hs)
dmatm3proj2 (dmat *mapin_0, const char *keywords, const loc_t *locout, real thetax, real thetay, real hs)

Detailed Description

Project from a tilt surface to flat surface (M3).

Function Documentation

◆ proj_rect_grid()

void proj_rect_grid ( real *  phiout,
const rmap_t mapin,
real  thetax,
real  thetay,
const loc_t locout,
const real  ratiox,
const real  ratioy,
const real *  ampout,
real  sc,
real  hs,
real  ht,
real  betax,
real  betay 

Ray tracing for tilted surface like M3

[out]phioutoutput OPD
mapinmapin: M3 surface map, NOT OPD.
thetaxtilt of surface along x, 0 or pi/2
thetaytilt of surface along y, pi/2 or 0
locoutoutput grid
ratioxpupil x scaling.
ratioypupil y scaling.
ampoutamplitude of output grid
scscaling of OPD
hsdistance from exit pupil to object image
htdistance from exit pupil to M3 surface
betaxreal beam angle
betayreal beam angle

◆ m3proj()

void m3proj ( const rmap_t tsurf,
dmat opd,
const loc_t locout,
real  thetax,
real  thetay,
real  hs 

Wraps proj_rect_grid for M3.

◆ m3proj2()

dmat* m3proj2 ( dmat mapin_0,
const char *  keywords,
const loc_t locout,
real  thetax,
real  thetay,
real  hs 

A convenient wrapper for m3proj() to be called from matlab or python