Multithreaded Adaptive Optics Simulator
smath.h File Reference


#define AOS_LIB_TYPE
#define AOS_SMAT(A)   s##A


typedef float(* sminsearch_fun) (const float *x, void *info)


smatsnew (long nx, long ny)
smatsnew_file (long nx, long ny, const char *keywords, const char *format,...)
smatsnew_do (long nx, long ny, float *p, mem_t *mem)
smatsmat_cast (const void *A)
int sinit (smat **A, long nx, long ny)
void sfree_content (smat *A)
void sfree_do (smat *A)
smatsref (const smat *in)
smatsref_reshape (const smat *in, long nx, long ny)
smatsrefcols (const smat *in, long icol, long ncol)
void scols (smat *out, const smat *in, long icol, long ncol)
int sresize (smat *A, long nx, long ny)
smatssub (const smat *in, long sx, long nx, long sy, long ny)
smatscat (const smat *in1, const smat *in2, int dim)
smatsdup (const smat *in)
void szero (smat *A)
int szerocol (smat *A, int icol)
uint32_t shash (const smat *A, uint32_t key)
void scp (smat **out0, const smat *in)
smatstrans (const smat *A)
void sset (smat *A, const float val)
void sshow (const smat *A, const char *format,...)
void svecperm (smat *out, const smat *in, const long *perm)
void svecpermi (smat *out, const smat *in, const long *perm)
int sflip (smat *A, int axis)
float svecsum (const float *__restrict p, long np)
float ssum (const smat *A)
void snormalize_sum (smat *A, float sum)
void snormalize_sumabs (smat *A, float sum)
float smean (const smat *A)
float strace (const smat *A)
void ssort (smat *A, int ascend)
void svecmaxmin (const float *__restrict p, long N, float *max, float *min)
float svecdot (const float *__restrict p1, const float *__restrict p2, const float *__restrict p3, long n)
void svecnormalize_sum (float *__restrict p, long nloc, float norm)
void svecnormalize_sumabs (float *__restrict p, long nloc, float norm)
float svecmaxabs (const float *__restrict p, long n)
void smaxmin (const smat *A, float *max, float *min)
float smax (const smat *A)
float smaxabs (const smat *A)
float smin (const smat *A)
float ssumabs (const smat *in)
float ssumsq (const smat *in)
float ssumdiffsq (const smat *A, const smat *B)
void sfftshift (smat *A)
int scpcorner2center (smat *A, const smat *B)
int sshift (smat **B0, const smat *A, int sx, int sy)
scellscell_cast (const cell *A)
scellscellnew2 (const scell *A)
scellscellnew3 (long nx, long ny, long *nnx, long *nny)
scellscellnew_same (long nx, long ny, long mx, long my)
scellscellnew_file (long nx, long ny, long *nnx, long *nny, const char *keywords, const char *format,...)
scellscellnewsame_file (long nx, long ny, long mx, long my, const char *keywords, const char *format,...)
void scellzero (scell *dc)
void scellset (scell *dc, float alpha)
scellscelltrans (const scell *A)
scellscellref (const scell *in)
scellscelldup (const scell *in)
void scellcp (scell **out0, const scell *in)
scellscellreduce (const scell *A, int dim)
scellscellcat (const scell *A, const scell *B, int dim)
void scellcat2 (scell **A, const scell *B, int dim)
scellscellcat_each (const scell *A, const scell *B, int dim)
scells2cellref (const smat *A, long *dims, long ndim)
void s2cell (scell **B, const smat *A, const scell *ref)
smatscell_col (scell *input, long icol)
float scellsum (const scell *A)
smatscellsum_each (const scell *A)
uint32_t scellhash (const scell *A, uint32_t key)
int sisnan (const smat *A)
float snorm (const smat *in)
float sstd (const smat *in)
void srandu (smat *A, const float mean, rand_t *rstat)
void srandn (smat *A, const float sigma, rand_t *rstat)
void sscale (smat *A, float w)
float sdot (const smat *A, const smat *B)
float swdot (const float *a, const smat *w, const float *b)
void scwm (smat *A, const smat *B)
void scwm2 (smat *A, const smat *B1, float wt1, const smat *B2, float wt2)
void scwm3 (smat *__restrict A, const smat *__restrict W, const smat *__restrict B1, const float wt1, const smat *__restrict B2, const float wt2)
void scwmcol (smat *__restrict A, const smat *__restrict B)
void scwmrow (smat *__restrict A, const smat *__restrict B)
void scwdiv (smat *B, const smat *A, float value)
void smulvec (float *__restrict y, const smat *__restrict A, const float *__restrict x, const float alpha)
void smm (smat **C0, const float beta, const smat *A, const smat *B, const char trans[2], const float alpha)
void sinvspd_inplace (smat *A)
smatsinvspd (const smat *A)
void sinv_inplace (smat *A)
smatsinv (const smat *A)
smatschol (const smat *A)
smatsmcc (const smat *A, const smat *wt)
smatsimcc (const smat *A, const smat *wt)
smatstmcc (const smat *A, const smat *wt)
smatspinv2 (const smat *A, const_anyarray W, float thres)
smatspinv (const smat *A, const_anyarray W)
float sdiff (const smat *A, const smat *B)
int scircle (smat *A, float cx, float cy, float dx, float dy, float r, float val)
int srectangle (smat *A, float cx, float cy, float rx, float ry, float theta, float val)
void srotvec (smat *A, const float theta)
void srotvect (smat *A, const float theta)
void srotvecnn (smat **B0, const smat *A, float theta)
void smulvec3 (float *y, const smat *A, const float *x)
void scorr (smat **corr, const smat *A, const smat *B)
void spara3 (float *grad, const smat *corr)
void scog (float *grad, const smat *i0, float offsetx, float offsety, float thres, float bkgrnd, float flux)
void sshift2center (smat *A, float offsetx, float offsety)
int sclip (smat *A, float min, float max)
void sgramschmidt (smat *Mod, float *amp)
void smuldiag (smat *A, const smat *s)
void scwpow (smat *A, float power)
void scwexp (smat *A, float alpha)
void scwpow_thres (smat *A, float power, float thres)
void ssvd (smat **U, smat **Sdiag, smat **VT, const smat *A)
void ssvd_cache (smat **U, smat **Sdiag, smat **VT, const smat *A)
void ssvd_pow (smat *A, float power, float thres)
void sexpm (smat **out, float alpha, const smat *A, float beta)
void spolyval (smat *A, smat *p)
void saddI (smat *A, float val)
void sadd (smat **B0, float bc, const smat *A, const float ac)
void sadd_relax (smat **B0, float bc, const smat *A, const float ac)
void saddcol (smat *B, long icol, float bc, const smat *A, const float ac)
void sadds (smat *A, const float ac)
smatslogspace (float emin, float emax, long n)
smatslinspace (float min, float dx, long n)
smatsinterp1 (const smat *xin, const smat *yin, const smat *xnew, float y0)
smatsinterp1_2 (const smat *xyin, const smat *xnew)
smatsinterp1linear (const smat *xin, const smat *yin, const smat *xnew, float y0)
smatsinterp1log (const smat *xin, const smat *yin, const smat *xnew, float y0)
void sblend (smat *__restrict A, smat *__restrict B, int overlap)
void shistfill (smat **out, const smat *A, float center, float spacing, int n)
smatsspline_prep (smat *x, smat *y)
smatsspline_eval (smat *coeff, smat *x, smat *xnew)
smatsspline (smat *x, smat *y, smat *xnew)
void scwlog10 (smat *A)
void scwlog (smat *A)
void sembed (smat *__restrict A, const smat *__restrict B, const float theta)
void sembedd (smat *__restrict A, const smat *__restrict B, const float theta)
float sfwhm (smat *A)
void sgauss_fit (float *mr, float *ma, float *mb, float *theta, smat *A, float thres)
float sgauss_width (smat *A, float thres)
float sfwhm_gauss (smat *A)
smatsenc (const smat *A, const smat *dvec, int type, int nthread)
int sminsearch (float *x, int nmod, float ftol, int nmax, sminsearch_fun fun, void *info)
void sbessik (float x, float xnu, float *ri, float *rk, float *rip, float *rkp)
float strapz (const smat *x, const smat *y)
float scellnorm (const scell *in)
void scellscale (anyarray A, float w)
void scelldropempty (scell **A0, int dim)
float scelldot (const scell *A, const scell *B)
void scellcwm (scell *B, const scell *A)
scellscellinvspd (scell *A)
scellscellinv (scell *A)
scellscellinvspd_each (scell *A)
scellscellpinv2 (const scell *A, const_anyarray W, float thres)
scellscellpinv (const scell *A, const sspcell *W)
void scellsvd_pow (scell *A, float power, float thres)
void scellcwpow (scell *A, float power)
void scelldropzero (scell *B, float thres)
float scelldiff (const scell *A, const scell *B)
int scellclip (scell *Ac, float min, float max)
scellscellsub (const scell *in, long sx, long nx, long sy, long ny)
scellsbspline_prep (smat *x, smat *y, smat *z)
smatsbspline_eval (scell *coeff, smat *x, smat *y, smat *xnew, smat *ynew)
void smaprot (anyarray A_, real theta)
void swritedata (file_t *fp, const smat *A, long ncol)
smatsreaddata (file_t *fp, header_t *header)
smatsnew_mmap (long nx, long ny, const char *keywords, const char *format,...)
scellscellnew_mmap (long nx, long ny, long *nnx, long *nny, const char *keywords, const char *format,...)
scellscellnewsame_mmap (long nx, long ny, long mx, long my, const char *keywords, const char *format,...)
smatsread_mmap (const char *format,...)
scellscellread_mmap (const char *format,...)
sspsspnew (long nx, long ny, long nzmax)
sspsspref (ssp *A)
sspsspdup (const ssp *A)
sspsspnew2 (const ssp *A)
sspsspnewrandu (long nx, long ny, const float mean, float fill, rand_t *rstat)
void sspsetnzmax (ssp *sp, long nzmax)
sspssp_cast (const cell *A)
void sspfree_do (ssp *sp)
void sspdisp (const ssp *sp)
int sspcheck (const ssp *sp)
void sspscale (ssp *A, const float beta)
void sspscalex (ssp *A, const smat *xs)
void sspscaley (ssp *A, const smat *ys)
sspcellsspcellref (const sspcell *in)
sspcellsspcell_cast (const cell *A)
void sspcellscale (sspcell *A, const float beta)
sspsspnewdiag (long N, float *vec, float alpha)
smatsspdiag (const ssp *A)
void sspmuldiag (ssp *__restrict A, const float *w, float alpha)
void sspmv (smat *y, const ssp *A, const smat *__restrict x, char trans, float alpha)
void sspmulcreal (float *__restrict y, const ssp *A, const fcomplex *__restrict x, float alpha)
void sspmm (smat **yout, const ssp *A, const smat *x, const char trans[2], const float alpha)
void smulsp (smat **yout, const smat *x, const ssp *A, const char trans[2], const float alpha)
float sspwdot (const smat *y, const ssp *A, const smat *x)
float sspcellwdot (const scell *y, const sspcell *A, const scell *x)
void scellmm (panyarray C0, const_anyarray A, const_anyarray B, const char trans[2], const float alpha)
scellscellmm2 (const scell *A, const scell *B, const char trans[2])
ssps2sp (smat *A, float thres)
void sspfull (smat **out0, const ssp *A, const char trans, const float alpha)
void sspcellfull (scell **out0, const sspcell *A, const char trans, const float alpha)
sspsspadd2 (const ssp *A, float a, const ssp *B, float b)
void sspadd (ssp **A0, float alpha, const ssp *B, float beta)
void scelladd (panyarray pA, float ac, const_anyarray B, float bc)
void scelladdsp (scell **pA, float ac, const sspcell *B, float bc)
void sspcelladd (sspcell **pA, float ac, const sspcell *B, float bc)
void sspaddI (ssp *A0, float alpha)
void scelladdI (anyarray A, float alpha)
sspssptrans (const ssp *A)
void sspconj (ssp *)
sspsspmulsp (const ssp *A, const ssp *B, const char trans[2])
void sspmulsp2 (ssp **C0, const ssp *A, const ssp *B, const char trans[2], const float scale)
sspcellsspcelltrans (const sspcell *spc)
sspsspcat (const ssp *A, const ssp *B, int type)
sspsspcell2sp (const sspcell *A)
smatsspsum (const ssp *A, int col)
smatsspsumabs (const ssp *A, int col)
void sspclean (ssp *A)
void sspdroptol (ssp *A, float thres)
void sspcelldroptol (sspcell *A, float thres)
lmatsspdropemptycol (ssp *A)
void sspsort (ssp *A)
void sspcellsort (sspcell *A)
void sspsym (ssp **A)
void sspcellsym (sspcell **A)
sspsspconvolvop (smat *A)
sspsspperm (ssp *A, int reverse, long *pcol, long *prow)
sspsspinvbdiag (const ssp *A, long bs)
scellsspblockextract (const ssp *A, long bs)
smatscell2m (const_anyarray A)
void sspwritedata (file_t *fp, const ssp *sp)
sspsspreaddata (file_t *fp, header_t *header)

Function Documentation

◆ snew()

smat* snew ( long  nx,
long  ny 

Create a new SX(mat). Initialized to zero.

◆ snew_file()

smat* snew_file ( long  nx,
long  ny,
const char *  keywords,
const char *  format,

Calls SX(new) with a filename to be saved to.

◆ smat_cast()

smat* smat_cast ( const void *  A)

check and cast an object to matrix

◆ sinit()

int sinit ( smat **  A,
long  nx,
long  ny 

check the size of matrix if exist. Otherwise create it. content is not zeroed if already exists.

  • empty matrix is initialized.
  • existing matrix is not resized.

◆ sfree_content()

void sfree_content ( smat A)

free content of a matrix object.

◆ sfree_do()

void sfree_do ( smat A)

free a matrix object.

◆ sref()

smat* sref ( const smat in)

creat a reference to an existing matrix. header is duplicated if exists.

◆ sref_reshape()

smat* sref_reshape ( const smat in,
long  nx,
long  ny 

create an new reference another with different shape.

  • total number of elements must be preserved
  • set ny to 1 or 0 to return a vector.

◆ srefcols()

smat* srefcols ( const smat in,
long  icol,
long  ncol 

creat a new matrix referencing columns in existing matrix. reference counted.

◆ scols()

void scols ( smat out,
const smat in,
long  icol,
long  ncol 

Override a stack matrix struct with pointers to columns of another matrix. Does not add reference count the original data.

◆ sresize()

int sresize ( smat A,
long  nx,
long  ny 

Resize a matrix by adding or removing columns or rows. Data is kept whenever possible.

  • 0 in dimension preserves original value.

◆ ssub()

smat* ssub ( const smat in,
long  sx,
long  nx,
long  sy,
long  ny 

Create a new sub matrix of nx*ny starting from(sx,sy) and copy the data.

◆ scat()

smat* scat ( const smat in1,
const smat in2,
int  dim 

Concatenate two matrixes into 1 along "dim" (1 for x, 2 for y)

◆ sdup()

smat* sdup ( const smat in)

duplicate a matrix

◆ szero()

void szero ( smat A)

Set elements to zero.

◆ szerocol()

int szerocol ( smat A,
int  icol 

Set column elements to zero.

◆ shash()

uint32_t shash ( const smat A,
uint32_t  key 

Compute the hashlittle

◆ scp()

void scp ( smat **  out0,
const smat in 

copy the values from one matrix to another.

◆ strans()

smat* strans ( const smat A)

transpose a matrix

◆ sshow()

void sshow ( const smat A,
const char *  format,

display a matrix.

◆ svecperm()

void svecperm ( smat out,
const smat in,
const long perm 

Permute the vector so that out(:)=in(p);

◆ svecpermi()

void svecpermi ( smat out,
const smat in,
const long perm 

Reverse permute the vector so that out(p)=in(:);

◆ sflip()

int sflip ( smat A,
int  axis 

Flip the matrix along the set axis. 0 to flip both, 1 along x, 2 along y.

◆ ssum()

float ssum ( const smat A)

Calculate sum of all the elements in A.

◆ smean()

float smean ( const smat A)

Calculate average of all the elements in A.

◆ strace()

float strace ( const smat A)

compute the trace (sum of diagonal elements)

◆ ssort()

void ssort ( smat A,
int  ascend 

Sort all columns of A, in ascending order if ascend is non zero, otherwise in descending order.

◆ smax()

float smax ( const smat A)

find the maximum value

◆ smaxabs()

float smaxabs ( const smat A)

find the maximum of abs of all elements

◆ smin()

float smin ( const smat A)

find the minimum value

◆ ssumabs()

float ssumabs ( const smat A)

compute the sum of abs of all elements

◆ ssumsq()

float ssumsq ( const smat A)

compute the sum of A.*A

◆ ssumdiffsq()

float ssumdiffsq ( const smat A,
const smat B 

compute the sum of (A-B)^2

◆ sfftshift()

void sfftshift ( smat A)

shift frequency components by n/2

◆ scpcorner2center()

int scpcorner2center ( smat A,
const smat B 

reorder B and embed/crop into center of A .

4 * * 3
* * * *
* * * *
2 * * 1


1 2
3 4

◆ sshift()

int sshift ( smat **  B0,
const smat A,
int  sx,
int  sy 

cyclic shift A by nx and ny to B.

4   3     1   2

2   1 to  3   4

◆ scell_cast()

scell* scell_cast ( const cell A)

cast a cell object to actual cell after checking.

◆ scellnew2()

scell* scellnew2 ( const scell A)

create an new cell similar to A in shape. When a cell is empty, it is created with an emtry matrix and cannot be overriden.

◆ scellnew3()

scell* scellnew3 ( long  nx,
long  ny,
long nnx,
long nny 

Create an new cell with matrix specified. Each block is stored continuously in memory.

◆ scellnew_same()

scell* scellnew_same ( long  nx,
long  ny,
long  mx,
long  my 

Create an new cell with matrix specified. Each block is stored continuously in memory.

◆ scellnew_file()

scell* scellnew_file ( long  nx,
long  ny,
long nnx,
long nny,
const char *  keywords,
const char *  format,

Calls cellnew3 with a filename to be saved to.

◆ scellnewsame_file()

scell* scellnewsame_file ( long  nx,
long  ny,
long  mx,
long  my,
const char *  keywords,
const char *  format,

Calls cellnew_same with a filename to be saved to.

◆ scellzero()

void scellzero ( scell dc)

Setting all elements of a cell to zero.

◆ scelltrans()

scell* scelltrans ( const scell A)

transpose a cell object

◆ scellref()

scell* scellref ( const scell in)

creat a cell reference an existing cell by referencing the elements.

◆ scelldup()

scell* scelldup ( const scell in)

duplicate a SX(cell) object. Not implemented for lmat or imat as SX(cellcp) is defined in spmm.c

◆ scellcp()

void scellcp ( scell **  A_,
const scell B_ 

Copy B to A.

Takes parameters of matrix, sparse matrix, or cell array of them.

◆ scellreduce()

scell* scellreduce ( const scell A,
int  dim 

reduce nx*ny cell matrix to 1*ny if dim=1 and nx*1 if dim=2 by merging the cells.

◆ scellcat()

scell* scellcat ( const scell A,
const scell B,
int  dim 

concatenate two cell matrices along dimenstion 'dim'.

◆ scellcat2()

void scellcat2 ( scell **  A,
const scell B,
int  dim 

concatenate two cell matrices along dimenstion 'dim'.

◆ scellcat_each()

scell* scellcat_each ( const scell A,
const scell B,
int  dim 

concatenate coresponding elements of each SX(cell). They must have the same shape.

◆ s2cellref()

scell* s2cellref ( const smat A,
long dims,
long  ndim 

convert a vector to cell using dimensions specified in dims. Reference the vector

◆ s2cell()

void s2cell ( scell **  B,
const smat A,
const scell ref 

make A a cell array using shape information from ref if *B is NULL.

Notice that empty cells may be replaced by zeros if it is within valid column or row.

◆ scell_col()

smat* scell_col ( scell input,
long  icol 

input is nsa*ncol cell. each cell has npix=nx*ny elements. Extract icol of cell as npix*nsa array.

◆ scellsum()

float scellsum ( const scell A)

create sum of all the elements in A.

◆ scellsum_each()

smat* scellsum_each ( const scell A)

return sum of each cell in a SX(mat)

◆ scellhash()

uint32_t scellhash ( const scell A,
uint32_t  key 

Compute the hashlittle

◆ sisnan()

int sisnan ( const smat A)

Check for NaN in elements

◆ snorm()

float snorm ( const smat A)

compute the norm(2) of A

◆ sstd()

float sstd ( const smat A)

compute the standard deviation of A

◆ sdot()

float sdot ( const smat A,
const smat B 

compute the dot product of A and B. (inner product)

◆ scwmcol()

void scwmcol ( smat *__restrict  A,
const smat *__restrict  B 

Compute component wise multiply A=A.*(B1*wt1+B2*wt2) component-wise multiply of three matrices. A=A.*W.*(B1*wt1+B2*wt2) Component-wise multiply each column of A with B A(:,i)=A(:,i).*B;

◆ scwmrow()

void scwmrow ( smat *__restrict  A,
const smat *__restrict  B 

component-wise multiply of columns of A with combination of B1 and B2: A(:,i)=A(:,i)*(B1*wt1+B2*wt2); component wise multiply of 2d complex matrix A,W and 1d vector B. A(:,i)=A(:,i).*W(:,i).*B; Component wise multiply each row of A with B. A(i,:)=A(i,:)*B

◆ sinvspd_inplace()

void sinvspd_inplace ( smat A)

inplace invert a small square SPD matrix using lapack dposv_, usually (A'*w*A). by solving Ax=I; copy x to A. dposv_ modifies A also. be careful

◆ sinvspd()

smat* sinvspd ( const smat A)

out of place version of dinvspd_inplace

◆ sinv_inplace()

void sinv_inplace ( smat A)

inplace invert a general square matrix using lapack dgesv_

◆ sinv()

smat* sinv ( const smat A)

out of place version of dinv

◆ schol()

smat* schol ( const smat A)

Compute the cholesky decomposition of a symmetric semi-definit dense matrix.

◆ smcc()

smat* smcc ( const smat A,
const smat wt 

compute (A'*W*A); where diag(W)=wt

◆ simcc()

smat* simcc ( const smat A,
const smat wt 

compute inv(dmcc(A, wt))

◆ stmcc()

smat* stmcc ( const smat A,
const smat wt 

compute (A*W*A'); where diag(W)=wt

◆ spinv()

smat* spinv ( const smat A,
const_anyarray  W 

A convenient wrapper.

◆ sdiff()

float sdiff ( const smat A,
const smat B 

compute the relative difference betwee two vectors. sqrt(||A-B||/||A||) using norm2. for debugging purpose.

◆ scorr()

void scorr ( smat **  pout,
const smat A,
const smat B 

Compute the correlation matrix.

◆ sblend()

void sblend ( smat *__restrict  A,
smat *__restrict  B,
int  overlap 

blend B into center of A with width of overlap. The center (size is B->nx-overlap, B->ny-overlap) of A is replaced by center of B . The overlapping area is blended

◆ sspline_prep()

smat* sspline_prep ( smat x,
smat y 

1D Cubic spline interpolation preparation. if x has only 1 column: x is the coordinate. y is the function value. if x has two columns: first column is the coordinate, y is null.

It is upto the user to make sure that the coordinate is increasingly ordered and evenly spaced .

If the values of a function \(f(x)\) and its derivative are know at x=0, and x=1 (normalized coordinate), then the function can be interpolated on the interval [0,1] using a third degree polynomial. This is called cubic interpolation. The formula of this polynomial can be easily derived.

A third degree polynomial and its derivative:

\[ f(x)=ax^3+bx^2+cx+d \]

\[ f(x)=3ax^3+2bx+c \]

The coefficients can be derived from the value and derivatives:

\begin{eqnarray*} a&=&2f(0)-2f(1)+f^\prime (0)+f^\prime(1)\\ b&=&-3f(0)+3f(1)-2f^\prime(0)-f^\prime(0)\\ c&=&f^\prime(0)\\ d&=&f(0)\\ \end{eqnarray*}

the derivatives can be computed as

\begin{eqnarray*} f^\prime(0)&=&\frac{f(1)-f(-1)}{2}\\ f^\prime(1)&=&\frac{f(2)-f(0)}{2}\\ \end{eqnarray*}

so we have the formula

\begin{eqnarray*} a&=&-0.5 f(-1) + 1.5 f(0) - 1.5 f(1) + 0.5 f(2)\\ b&=& f(-1) - 2.5 f(0) + 2 f(1) - 0.5 f(2)\\ c&=&-0.5 f(-1) + 0.5 f(1) \\ d&=& f(0) \\ \end{eqnarray*}

for the boundary pints, replace




Otehr type of boundaries are handled in the same way.


◆ sspline_eval()

smat* sspline_eval ( smat coeff,
smat x,
smat xnew 

Evluate the cubic spline represented by nx5 matrix coeff, at location array xnew.

◆ sspline()

smat* sspline ( smat x,
smat y,
smat xnew 

Do 1D cubic spline all at once by calling SX(spline_prep) and SX(spline_evald)

◆ scwlog10()

void scwlog10 ( smat A)

Do a component wise log10 on each element of A.

◆ scwlog()

void scwlog ( smat A)

Do a component wise log10 on each element of A.

◆ sfwhm()

float sfwhm ( smat A)

Calculate number of pixels having values larger than or equal to half of maximum and convert to diameter.

For more accurate calculation of Gaussian beams, use the sqrt(2*log(2))*SX(gauss_width).

◆ sfwhm_gauss()

float sfwhm_gauss ( smat A)

Use gauss fit to compute fwhm

◆ senc()

smat* senc ( const smat psf,
const smat dvec,
int  type,
int  nthread 

Compute the enclosed energy or azimuthal average of a.

psfThe input array
dvecThe diameter for enclosed energy, or radius for azimuthal average
typeThe type. -1: azimuthal average, 0: within a square, 1: within a circle, 2: within a slit
nthreadNumber of CPU threads to use.

◆ scellnorm()

float scellnorm ( const scell A)

compute norm2.

◆ scelldropempty()

void scelldropempty ( scell **  A0,
int  dim 

drop empty rows or columns. size of *A0 is changed.

◆ scelldot()

float scelldot ( const scell A,
const scell B 

Compute the dot produce of two dcell.

◆ scellcwm()

void scellcwm ( scell B,
const scell A 

Component wise multiply of two dcell B=A.*B*alpha

◆ scellinvspd()

scell* scellinvspd ( scell A)

Inplace Invert a SPD matrix. It is treated as a block matrix

◆ scellinv()

scell* scellinv ( scell A)

Inplace Invert a matrix. It is treated as a block matrix.

◆ scellinvspd_each()

scell* scellinvspd_each ( scell A)

invert each component of the dcell. Each cell is treated as an individual matrix.

◆ scellpinv()

scell* scellpinv ( const scell A,
const sspcell W 
[in]AThe matrix to pseudo invert
[in]WThe weighting matrix.

◆ scelldiff()

float scelldiff ( const scell A,
const scell B 

compute ||A-B||/||A|| use mean.

◆ scellsub()

scell* scellsub ( const scell in,
long  sx,
long  nx,
long  sy,
long  ny 

Create a new sub cell matrix of nx*ny starting from(sx,sy)

◆ sbspline_prep()

scell* sbspline_prep ( smat x,
smat y,
smat z 

2D cubic spline interpolation preparation. x is the x coordinate vector of the 2-d grid. y is the y coordinate vector of the 2-d grid. z is defined on the 2-d grid. It is upto the user to make sure that the coordinate is increasingly ordered and evenly spaced .

The boundaries are handled in the same way is SX(spline). i.e. replace




Otehr type of boundaries are handled in the same way.

◆ sbspline_eval()

smat* sbspline_eval ( scell coeff,
smat x,
smat y,
smat xnew,
smat ynew 

Evaluate 2D cubic spline at location defined 2-d arrays by xnew, ynew

◆ smaprot()

void smaprot ( anyarray  A_,
real  theta 

Rotate a or multiple 2d array ccw by angle

◆ swritedata()

void swritedata ( file_t *  fp,
const smat A,
long  ncol 

Routines for input/output to bin/fits file. Function to write dense matrix data into a file pointer. Generally used by library developer

◆ sreaddata()

smat* sreaddata ( file_t *  fp,
header_t header 

Function to read dense matrix into memory from file pointer. Generally used by library developer.

◆ snew_mmap()

smat* snew_mmap ( long  nx,
long  ny,
const char *  keywords,
const char *  format,

Create a new SX(mat) matrix object, mmapped from file. The file is truncated if already exists in rw mode.

◆ scellnew_mmap()

scell* scellnew_mmap ( long  nx,
long  ny,
long nnx,
long nny,
const char *  keywords,
const char *  format,

Create a new dense matrix cell object, mmapped from file. The file is truncated if already exists.

◆ scellnewsame_mmap()

scell* scellnewsame_mmap ( long  nx,
long  ny,
long  mx,
long  my,
const char *  keywords,
const char *  format,

Create a new dense matrix cell object, with identical blocks, mmapped from file. be aware that the data is not 8-byte aligned. The file is truncated if already exists.

◆ sread_mmap()

smat* sread_mmap ( const char *  format,

Map the file to memory in read only, shared mode.

◆ scellread_mmap()

scell* scellread_mmap ( const char *  format,

Map the file to memory in read only, shared mode.

◆ sspnew()

ssp* sspnew ( long  nx,
long  ny,
long  nzmax 

Create a nx*ny sparse matrix with memory for nmax max elements allocated.

◆ sspref()

ssp* sspref ( ssp A)

reference a sparse object.

◆ sspdup()

ssp* sspdup ( const ssp A)

copy a sparse matrix to another.

◆ sspnew2()

ssp* sspnew2 ( const ssp A)

Create a new sparse matrix of the same size as A.

◆ sspsetnzmax()

void sspsetnzmax ( ssp sp,
long  nzmax 

resize a sparse matrix

◆ ssp_cast()

ssp* ssp_cast ( const cell A)

Cast a pointer to sparse array.

◆ sspfree_do()

void sspfree_do ( ssp sp)

free a sparse matrix

◆ sspdisp()

void sspdisp ( const ssp sp)

Display a sparse array

◆ sspcheck()

int sspcheck ( const ssp sp)

Check a sparse array for wrong orders. Return 1 if is lower triangle, 2 if upper triangle, and 3 if diagonal.

◆ sspscalex()

void sspscalex ( ssp A,
const smat xs 

inplace scale sparse matrix elements.

◆ sspscaley()

void sspscaley ( ssp A,
const smat ys 

inplace scale sparse matrix elements.

◆ sspcellref()

sspcell* sspcellref ( const sspcell A)

Reference a spcell array.

◆ sspcell_cast()

sspcell* sspcell_cast ( const cell A)

cast a cell object to SX(spcell) after checking

◆ sspdiag()

smat* sspdiag ( const ssp A)

Extract diagonal element of A and return

◆ sspwdot()

float sspwdot ( const smat y,
const ssp A,
const smat x 

Multiply two vectors with weighting by sparse matrix. return y'*(A*x)

◆ sspcellwdot()

float sspcellwdot ( const scell y,
const sspcell A,
const scell x 

Multiply two cell arrays with weighting by sparse matrix

◆ scellmm2()

scell* scellmm2 ( const scell A,
const scell B,
const char  trans[2] 

a different interface for multiplying cells.

◆ ssptrans()

ssp* ssptrans ( const ssp A)

Transpose a sparse array

◆ sspconj()

void sspconj ( ssp A)

Take conjugation elementwise.

◆ sspmulsp()

ssp* sspmulsp ( const ssp A,
const ssp B,
const char  trans[2] 

Multiply two sparse arrays and return the result op(A)*op(B)

◆ sspcelltrans()

sspcell* sspcelltrans ( const sspcell spc)

Transpose a sparse cell

◆ sspcat()

ssp* sspcat ( const ssp A,
const ssp B,
int  dim 

Concatenate two sparse array along dim dimension

◆ sspcell2sp()

ssp* sspcell2sp ( const sspcell A)

Concatenate a dspcell to sparse array

◆ sspsum()

smat* sspsum ( const ssp A,
int  dim 

Sum elements of sparse array along dimension dim

◆ sspsumabs()

smat* sspsumabs ( const ssp A,
int  col 

Sum abs of elements of sparse array along dimension dim

◆ sspclean()

void sspclean ( ssp A)

Clean up a sparse array by dropping zeros

◆ sspdropemptycol()

lmat* sspdropemptycol ( ssp A)

Drop empty columns

◆ sspsort()

void sspsort ( ssp A)

Make sure the elements are sorted correctly. Does not change the location of data. can be done without harm.

◆ sspcellsort()

void sspcellsort ( sspcell A)

Make sure the elements are sorted correctly.

◆ sspsym()

void sspsym ( ssp **  A)

symmetricize a sparse matrix and drop values below a threshold.

◆ sspcellsym()

void sspcellsym ( sspcell **  A)

symmetricize a sparse cell and drop values below a threshold.

◆ sspconvolvop()

ssp* sspconvolvop ( smat A)

Create a sparse convolution operator C with C(i,j)=A(i-j); A must be very sparse with only a view non-zero value otherwise C will be too full.

◆ sspperm()

ssp* sspperm ( ssp A,
int  reverse,
long pcol,
long prow 

Permute rows and columns of sparse matrix A;

◆ sspinvbdiag()

ssp* sspinvbdiag ( const ssp A,
long  bs 

Invert a SPD sparse matrix that is block diagonal with block sizes of bs.

◆ sspblockextract()

scell* sspblockextract ( const ssp A,
long  bs 

Extrat the diagonal blocks of size bs into cell arrays.

◆ scell2m()

smat* scell2m ( const_anyarray  A_)

Convert dense or sparse matrix cell to matrix.

◆ sspwritedata()

void sspwritedata ( file_t *  fp,
const ssp sp 

Function to write sparse matrix data into file pointed using a file pointer. Generally used by library developer. We do not convert data during saving, but rather do the conversion during reading.

◆ sspreaddata()

ssp* sspreaddata ( file_t *  fp,
header_t header 

Function to read sparse matrix data from file pointer into memory. Used by library developer.