Multithreaded Adaptive Optics Simulator
cupowfs_t Struct Reference
+ Collaboration diagram for cupowfs_t:

Data Fields

cupts_t pts
culoc_t loc
culoc_t saloc
Array< culoc_tmsaloc
Cell< int, Gpuembed
Array< int > nembed
curcell fieldstop
cullt_t llt
struct pywfs_tpywfs
cuccell pyramid
cucmat pynominal
curcell saa
curmat pyoff
curmat pixoffx
curmat pixoffy

Field Documentation

◆ pts

cupts_t cupowfs_t::pts

location of lower left OPD point in each sa

◆ loc

culoc_t cupowfs_t::loc

location of OPD points. for reconstruction purpose only.

◆ saloc

culoc_t cupowfs_t::saloc

location of subaperture lower left corner

◆ msaloc

Array<culoc_t> cupowfs_t::msaloc

Mishaped saloc, for pywfs.

◆ embed

Cell<int, Gpu> cupowfs_t::embed

embed for field stop computation

◆ nembed

Array<int> cupowfs_t::nembed

grid dimension for embed

◆ fieldstop

curcell cupowfs_t::fieldstop

mask for field stop computation

◆ llt

cullt_t cupowfs_t::llt

Laser launch telescope

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: