Multithreaded Adaptive Optics Simulator
cudata_t Class Reference
+ Collaboration diagram for cudata_t:

Data Fields

int igpu
curmat reserve
cumapcell atm
cumapcell dmreal
cumapcell dmproj
cumapcell opdr
cuperf_t perf
stream_t perf_stream
Array< cupowfs_tpowfs
Array< cumapcelldm_wfs
Array< cumapcelldm_evl
curmat mvm_m
NumArray< AReal, Gpumvm_a
NumArray< GReal, Gpumvm_g
stream_t mvm_stream

Field Documentation

◆ igpu

int cudata_t::igpu

for accphi

◆ reserve

curmat cudata_t::reserve

Reserve some memory in GPU

◆ atm

cumapcell cudata_t::atm

atmosphere: array of cumap_t

◆ dmreal

cumapcell cudata_t::dmreal

DM: array of cumap_t

◆ dmproj

cumapcell cudata_t::dmproj

DM: array of cumap_t

◆ opdr

cumapcell cudata_t::opdr

Copied from curecon.opdr_map for evl.tomo

◆ perf_stream

stream_t cudata_t::perf_stream

Default stream for perfevl. One per GPU. This allows sharing resource per GPU.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: