Multithreaded Adaptive Optics Simulator
cuwfs_t Class Reference
+ Collaboration diagram for cuwfs_t:

Data Fields

stream_t stream
Array< stream_tstreams
Array< culoc_tloc_dm
culoc_t loc_tel
cusp GS0
curmat imcc
curmat neasim
curmat amp
cufftHandle plan_fs
Array< cudtf_tdtf
curmat qe
curmat srot
curmat mtche
curmat i0sum
float i0sumsum
curmat bkgrnd2
curmat bkgrnd2c
curmat lltncpa
curmat lltimcc
curmat lltamp
int msa
curmat opdadd
struct curandStateXORWOW * custat
int custatb
int custatt
curmat phiout
curmat gradacc
curmat gradcalc
curmat lltopd
Array< Real, Pinnedlltg
cucmat lltwvf
cufftHandle lltplan_wvf
cucmat lltotfc
cufftHandle lltplan_lotfc
cucmat lltotfc2
cufftHandle lltplan_lotfc2
cucmat wvf
cufftHandle plan_wvf
cucmat psf
cufftHandle plan_psf
curcell ints
curcell pistatout
curcell intsout
cuccell wvfout
cucmat psfout
cucmat psfstat
Dither_t dither
cuccell pywvf
cucmat pyotf
curmat pypsf
curmat isum
cufftHandle plan_py
Array< cufftHandle > plan_pys
cuccell pyotfs
curcell pypsfs

Field Documentation

◆ loc_dm

Array<culoc_t> cuwfs_t::loc_dm

Grid for ray tracing from DM to WFS

◆ loc_tel

culoc_t cuwfs_t::loc_tel

Grid for ray tracing from Telescope to WFS

◆ GS0

cusp cuwfs_t::GS0

For gtilt. is GS0t in col major

◆ imcc

curmat cuwfs_t::imcc

size is 9*nsa

◆ neasim

curmat cuwfs_t::neasim

The noise equivalent angles for each subaperture.

◆ amp

curmat cuwfs_t::amp

Amplitude map

◆ plan_fs

cufftHandle cuwfs_t::plan_fs

FFTW plan for fieldstop

◆ dtf

Array<cudtf_t> cuwfs_t::dtf

array for each wvl.

◆ qe

curmat cuwfs_t::qe

See powfs.qe

◆ srot

curmat cuwfs_t::srot

angle to rotate PSF/OTF

◆ mtche

curmat cuwfs_t::mtche

matched filter gradient operator.

◆ i0sum

curmat cuwfs_t::i0sum

sum of i0 for each subaperture.

◆ i0sumsum

float cuwfs_t::i0sumsum

sum of i0sum for all subaps

◆ bkgrnd2

curmat cuwfs_t::bkgrnd2

background as an image

◆ bkgrnd2c

curmat cuwfs_t::bkgrnd2c

calibration of background to subtract.

◆ lltncpa

curmat cuwfs_t::lltncpa

NCPA for llt

◆ lltimcc

curmat cuwfs_t::lltimcc

size of 9x1

◆ msa

int cuwfs_t::msa

Number of subapertures in each batch of FFT. <nsa to save memory in psf.

◆ opdadd

curmat cuwfs_t::opdadd

The ncpa and surface aberration.

◆ gradacc

curmat cuwfs_t::gradacc

For accumulating grads

◆ gradcalc

curmat cuwfs_t::gradcalc

For outputing grads

◆ ints

curcell cuwfs_t::ints

For accumulating subaperture image.

◆ pistatout

curcell cuwfs_t::pistatout

For output pistatout

◆ intsout

curcell cuwfs_t::intsout

For output time averaged subaperture iamges

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: